[22] Desire

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Luna sat on her bed calling her friend from middle school. "I still can't believe Yujin would ask you to be her prom date." A female voice echoed from the phone.

"I know." Was all Luna could reply.

"But don't you like her? I meant you wrote letters for the five of them, so you like them five." She said and Luna sighed.

"speaking of those letters. it's missing and for real i just hid it under my bed." Luna said and the girl chuckled. "Maybe it's just there, just under the bed inside the guest's room?" the voice said and Luna sighed.

"I don't know anymore." Luna replied.

"Psh, Just take a rest now it's late. Goodnight Haniie~" The female voice said and Luna said the same time and hanged up.

Luna fell on her pillow and charged her phone before falling asleep.


The next day, Luna and Yujin drove to the school. They walked together inside the school grounds and into their classroom.... followed by Eunbi from behind.

Luna can feel the tension between the two.

"U-Uhm, I'll just go get the books I need to review for the exam.." Luna said and tried to excused herself between the two.

Luna managed to get out of the situation and saw Chaewon in the library. "Oh, Reviewing for the exam?" Chaewon asked.

Luna hummed and stood beside Chaewon. Luna was scanning the book shelves searching for the topic that she think would be in the exam. "You know, You don't need to review. You're smart as heck." Chaewon said and Luna looked down.

"N-Not really.." Luna replied.

"Luna-ya, I wanna say something to you." Chaewon said as she placed the book to it belongs to.

Luna turned to Chaewon. "What?"

Chaewon sighed. "You see..."

"Yujin have fallen for you."

"And so as me."

"And if ever Eunbi and Wonyoung feels the same way just like me and Yujin towards you.."

"Please choose what your heart really desire.."

To All The Girls I Loved Before ✔Where stories live. Discover now