Chapter 53 (Last chapter!!)

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Sutter's POV

The weeks that follow Coach Roy's death is filled with a lot of sadness and remorse, which is to be expected. But what's not expected, is the good things that seem to follow as well.

Like the fact that two weeks after Coach Roy's funeral, Denny agreed to go to a rehab facility for a drugs and alcohol addiction. It was in another state, which made it hard for him to agree to at first, because he didn't want to leave his mom on her own so soon after his dad's death. But his mom assured him that the best thing for him, and would obviously take some stress off her as well. She even planned a trip to go spend some time with her sister and mother, who live further up north.

My fucking sister and Jesse couldn't keep their hands off each other, which sucked for me because I didnt care to see my sister being pawed by one of my best friends. But they were happy, and you could tell Jo's confidence was better than it had ever been before, and I had Jesse to thank for that. Even though I never would.

Lilly's parents left her the money they said they would, and my parents finally got the paperwork signed and notarized for being Lilly's legal guardians. Her parents no longer have custody or rights to her, and thats exactly the way it should be. My parents have never seemed happier in their marriage, and had even taken a week off to go vacation together in some Adults only resort.

Lil and I had been okay, but things were still off between us. We were stuck in that state where we knew we had things to discuss, but it wasn't the right time yet. There was bigger things going on around us that needed our attention first. But all of that seemed to be settling down now, and I was tired of sitting in this in between place where we were just okay with each other, we didn't know where our ending was though.

I wake up that morning determined to make things right with Lilly, or in the very least do whatever makes her happy. I've caused that girl enough heartache to last a lifetime, and I refuse to be the one to make things any harder on her.

When I walk into her bedroom to finally confront her though, shes not there. I have half a mind to go into Jo's room and ask her if she knows where she is or when she left, but Jesse stayed the night last night since my parents are gone, and I'd rather eat nails than have to see them in a bed together.

I throw on some clothes and rush out of the house, hoping she's where I think she is. Normally where she always is if shes not with me or someone else. I call her because I'm worried about how shes getting around, because even though shes able to move around with a walker, shes still supposed to be in her wheelchair for long distance walks. But Lilly has been stubborn, and these past few weeks I've seen her walking around in her room without either one, testing out her leg. She swears shes fine, but the doctor said her break was too severe to start walking this early. Thankfully her hand and fingers have healed a lot faster, and she's been doing her therapy religiously for that.

    I pull into the graveyard close to ten minutes later, and I don't see any other cars in the parking lot. I take the short little walk to where Annie's headstone lies in the ground, and I see Lilly sitting next to it on the ground, wheelchair sitting empty beside her.

    "Hey," I say as I approach her slowly, not wanting to startle her. "how'd you get here?"

    She turns to look at me and I still can't get over how effortlessly beautiful she always is, without even knowing or trying. Her hair is down and unruly, face is practically bare of make up and shes wearing casual clothes, but she still takes my breath away. Still the most beautiful girl in this world to me.

"Nadine brought me."

"You could have asked me to bring you, it would have been easier since we're in the same house and all." I try to say it without suspicion in my voice, but it doesn't make sense why she would have Nadine come to pick her up and bring her here when I'm literally a room away from her.

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