Chapter 27

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Sutter's POV

    Thankfully, the last day before school started passed and went without anymore issues. Jesse came over the next morning to let us know Denny got the shit beat out of him pretty good by all the guys who rallied in the bathroom, and Fuller told him he was never allowed back at his parties either.

    Which doesn't seem like a big deal, but that's where mostly all the parties around our town are at. But if that didn't affect him, Jesse said him and a few other football players went to see the Head coach of the team, and they let him know what happened with Lilly, and that they suspect he was using harsh drugs.

    Lilly wasn't as pleased with that revelation as I was, she was feeling guilty, and told me so after Jesse left and it was just she and I in the bonus room.

    "His dad is sick, he's more than likely going to be kicked off the team, he got the hell beat out of him, and now he's no longer invited to hang around the crowd we've all grown up with? It just all seems like a little too much."

    "I understand where you're coming from, but you also have to realize that Denny made these choices himself, aside from his dad being sick. That's not excuse for what he did though." I try to reason with her.

    She looks at me with a guarded expression. "So Denny doesn't get any passes for what he does when he's hurt and grieving, but all the things that you and I did when we felt the same way, are all excused and understood?"

    I don't respond right away, because I realize she has a point. "The things you and I did are not excused, especially what I did. But you and I have also admitted to our wrong doings and are trying to make them right, he won't do that Lil. Even his mom has given up hope on him making a turnaround."

    "That's because he has no one in his corner backing him up, he probably feels alone and abandoned. And I did abandon him, as soon as you came back. You and I would be no better than he is if we didn't have each other." Her voice has raised well above normal volume, and I know she's getting frustrated with me.

    "You're right, you absolutely are. But I'm not able to see past what he did to you last night, and I'm not sure that will ever change. I wish I could help him, I wish we could make things better for him, but I don't see it happening." Doesn't she understand how hard this is for me too? Denny used to be my best friend, and now I don't even recognize him. But him being with Lilly and then hurting her the way he has, has made it impossible for he and I to ever have that kind of friendship again.

    Even if that is petty and unfair of me, that's just the way things are going to be.

"So then we just let him go through all of this alone?"

"Do you want to be the one there for him?" I snap at her, getting upset at the idea of her being so worried about him, when he's done nothing to help her or himself.

She takes a deep breath. "That's not what I'm saying and you know that, I don't care who is there for him, as long as he just has someone. You know I am fully committed to you, and fixing all of our issues as well."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. But you have to understand that its hard for me to even think about you and Denny being in close vicinity of each other, knowing you've had sex with him." Just talking about it now makes me feel sick, and I know it'll never happen again.

She places her hand on top of mine. "I get that, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try and help him, if I can."

I let out an exaggerated breath. "Fine, fuck, fine. We'll help the poor bastard. But you're not allowed to be around him alone, not after what he pulled last night."

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