Chapter 23

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Sutter's POV

    "Favorite color?"

    "It's still green, Sutter." Lilly says dramatically, but I can hear the smile in her voice.

     We're laying in the tree house, with our feet going in the opposite direction, but our heads are right next to each other. We've been here for over two hours, and the whole time we've been asking each other questions.

     Lilly thinks I just keep making up these games, and I guess in a way they are, but truth is I really just want to learn everything about her that I missed. And we're not the same people we were when we were fifteen, and I want to know everything there is about the new girl she is now.

     She acts like she hates it, but I know she loves it secretly. She's not fooling me.

     "Favorite memory of us when we were eight." She says, and I have to think for a minute.

    Being together so long, the years kinda seem to mesh together, especially when you realize how fast they've gone by.

     "Hmmm, probably watching you punch Sadie Wells on the playground for telling Jo she was fat." I can't help but chuckle at the memory.

    Jo's little second grade self came running up to us and was crying, when we asked her what was wrong and she told us what happened, Lilly didn't even waste a second before running off to find Sadie. Of course I was mad too, but it wasn't like a could hit or say something mean to a girl.

     Jo and I heard a scream probably two minutes later, and we walked out to find Lilly on top of Sadie and punching her in the face with her little fists.

     "Don't ever call her a mean name again!" She screeched, and then was being yanked off Sadie by a teacher. Jo and I both ran over to the teacher who was dragging Lilly away, and we each grabbed one of her feet trying to get her down.

    "Stop taking her away!" I yelled, and Jo said something too. We were both pulling on her feet as hard as we could, how we didn't pull her ankles out of socket is beyond me.

    That day all 3 of us got sent to the office and our parents had to come get us. My mom ended up getting Lilly too, neither of her parents were able to get off of work. My mom took us to ice cream after that, and told Lilly how proud she was of her for sticking up for Jo.

    I hear Lilly laughing beside me too, remembering that day as well. "Oh my gosh, I always forget the funniest stuff, but then you remind me and it I remember it just as clearly as I did the day it happened."

    "I think that's when Jo started idolizing you like you were some kind of hero."

    "She's always been like a sister to me, and that brat had it coming calling her fat. I mean what seven year old even thinks to say that as an insult?"

    We're both quiet for a minute after that, remembering the issue that later transpired for Jo after that. In the seventh grade she stopped eating as much, and always told us she had ate a big lunch at school. She dropped to 100 pounds, and at her height of 5'3 at that age, she looked like skin and bones. My mom ended up finding out she was making herself throw up whatever she ate, almost everyday. She would purge and fill herself so full, and then later make herself bring it all back up. The doctor said Jo had sores on the roof of mouth from her fingernails scratching it, when she was putting her fingers down her throat.

    Apparently Sadie and a couple of her friends didn't stop picking on Jo like we had thought, and she never told us any different.

    Jo was sent a way for a while after that, to some camp that helped young girls who had eating disorders or anxiety problems. She was only allowed someone to visit her two times over the whole summer, and the only person she ever asked for, was Lilly. Every time I would drive her up there in the mountains where Jo's camp was with my parents, and we would wait in the car the whole two hours until their visitation time was over.

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