Chapter 43

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Sutter's POV

Bobby, Jesse, Fuller, and I roll up to the shack and notice just about half the school is there. All the outside table and chairs are overflowing with bodies, and the smell of the town's best hamburgers and fries is thick in the air.

This is what I missed the most, besides Lilly, when we moved, knowing all these kids like they're my own family. We only moved two hours away, but it was more different there then you could have imagined. Most of those kids went to public schools and didn't believe in having anyone else's back but their own. I can walk by any table or truck bed full of people, and someone will wave at me or yell my name in acknowledgement. Even after I left here and fucked things up with my girl. No one questions the black eye on my face, or the injured walk I'm sporting thanks to my earlier fight, but I'm still doing my best to play it off like I'm not sore as hell.

But thats just how the people in this town were, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Fuller stopped to flirt with some cheerleader, but Jesse and I kept walking because we noticed Nadine's Jeep parked near all the other senior vehicles.

My sister is leaned up against the passenger door, and a senior named Drew is leaned around her and has his forearm up above her head, extremely too close to her face. I can only see his profile, but I can read his posture and look from a mile away, and all he's trying to do is get in bed with my baby sister. Not fucking happening.

I start walking faster, but Jesse bypasses me and shoves the guy as soon as he gets close enough to reach him.

"What the fuck dude?" Drew says, instantly on the defensive side after being pushed.

"Standing a little to close to her, yeah?" Jesse says, and I can hear such a menace in his voice that even I stop walking.

"Jesse stop, we were just talking." Jo pushes Jesse back a couple of steps, trying to put distance between the guys.

"You think that guy wants to just talk to you Jo? C'mon, I know you're smarter than that."

Jo drops her hands and shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe I don't want to just talk either."

I did not just hear those words come out of my little sisters mouth, did I? "Jo, I swear to G-"

"He's what you want then? You want some guy who's just gonna fuck you, leave the next day and probably not even remember your name?" Jesse says, cutting off what I was about to say.

Jo looks back at Drew. "What's my name Drew?"

Drew opens his mouth to answer her, but then closes it again and a worried look flashes in his eyes. He looks around like he's searching for help, and it's obvious that he doesn't know her damn name even though Jesse and I have both just said it out loud.

"Josephine Lynn Mayfield is her fucking name, and come near her again and you and I are going to have problems, we clear?" Jesse is talking over Jo's head, directing his words to Drew, who just rolls his eyes and walks away. Jo at least has the decency to look embarrassed. "Stay away from guys like that, Jo. They're nothing but trouble."

Jo's eyes go hard as she looks at Jesse. "Stay away from guys like that? You are that kind of guy, Jesse! You all are. Except for my brother, who probably would be had he not met Lilly. You're all just a bunch of horny toads looking for some easy pussy."

I nearly choke as I hear my sister say the word 'Pussy', no guy should ever hear his sister say that word being used in that context.

Jesse looks at her as though shes lost her mind. "Why the hell would you think I'm like that?"

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