Chapter 4

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Lilly's POV

I can't take my eyes off him. I can't decide if this is real or if I'm still in my bed sleeping.

    Sutter is here, like actually here, right in front of me. And my god, does he really have to look better than he did before he left? I mean we have to even out the playing fields or something, because I know I look like a slob right now.

     I stopped caring about how I looked and what people thought the second he broke my heart. Because to me it just seems useless now.

    Denny has my chin in his hand trying to get me to look at him, but like a moth to a flame, my eyes won't leave Sutter's.

     What are the symptoms of shock? Cause I'm pretty sure I'm experiencing it right now.

     "Lilly!" Denny shouts loud enough to make everyone stop talking and turn towards us. I finally grant him my attention because I really don't need him causing a scene at my job.

     Not like I didn't do that already, but whatever. That's beside the point.

     "What?" I finally ask, my voice harsher than necessary, but I can only focus on one thing right now. And it's completely on the boy with the dark green eyes, who hasn't taken his attention off of me yet either.

    I guess some things never change, no matter how many years of separation you experience.

      "Stop fucking looking at him and pay attention to me." He snaps his fingers in my face and I jerk my head back to give him the worst look I can manage, because who does he think he's talking to? "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to get you to stop and listen to me."

      "Okay well I'm listening, what's going on? What the hell is he doing back?" Some of the initial shock has wore off, and the anger is starting to work it's way inside me.

      He left me, and said he was never coming back. So why is he showing his face around this town again, acting like he has some place in it?

     Denny shakes his head and looks back at the table where Sutter has stood up from and looks like he's heading over here any second. "I have no more information on that than you do. He walked in here with Jesse, you know I would never bring him around you."

     I soften a little at his words, because despite our fucked up relationship, Denny is the only one who has felt anger towards Sutter leaving us the way I have. And he's the only one who stayed up with me night after night, watching me cry myself to sleep, or drink and take drugs so much that I made myself physically sick.

     I reach my hand up and touch his cheek lightly. "I know. If there's anyone I can count on, I know it's you."

     He wraps his fingers around my wrist lovingly, and starts to lean in like he's going to kiss me. And I hope he does.

     So that the boy who is still staring at me, realizes that I'm not the same sad, little vulnerable girl I was when he left me. And that I damn sure wasn't waiting around on him to come back to me.

But before Denny's lips can make contact with mine, he's roughly pulled from my grasp. But he doesn't let go of my wrist, which causes me to jerk forward with him.

"What the hell is going on here?" Sutter asks. Even though his voice sounds deeper and more masculine now, I know it's him in my bones. I think my body and heart will always know when he's around.

"What the fuck is your problem man?" Denny answers back, and shoves Sutter roughly on the chest.

I see my manager looking at us all from behind the bar, and I step in front of Denny to do my best to distinguish this before it gets any more heated. "Why don't we all just take a step back and maybe try to talk about this somewhere else at another time?"

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