Chapter 45

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Lilly's POV -The Destruction Pt. Two-

I had just put my foot on the first step into the old wooden house when I heard the sound of a collision. The hard thwack and then the unmistakable sound a person falling to the ground.

Since the only person behind me was Cross, I knew it had to be him.

I turned around and saw Cross laying on his back, and a long piece of thick wood laying beside him, which I'm assuming was the culprit for knocking him down.

"Lilly c'mon!" Sutter yells, I look back to see him standing next to Fuller in the open doorway, both of them waving to me frantically.

"Cross has been hurt!" I yell back at them. I look down at Cross on the ground, and from the lightning that is illuminating the sky, I can see that he's not moving.

      "There's no time Lil, you have to come now!" Fuller says, inching the door closer to the latch.

     I know I'm probably going to die, or get seriously hurt, but leaving Cross out there by himself isn't an option for me. Even with the gray funnel taking over everything.

     I look back at Sutter one last time, and he must see the decision on my face. He lurches forward, yelling at me not to go back. Fuller grabs him though and yanks him into the house, slamming the door behind them.

     Pushing off the stair into Cross's direction, relief floods through me when I realize he's moving his hand across his face, so he must be awake. Maybe I can help him up and we can make it into the house somehow.

     Dropping to the ground, I lean over Cross and look into his eyes, noticing how glazed over he looks, even in the dark.  

      "Cross, cmon, we have to get out of here!" I yell at him loudly, hoping to break through his trance.

     He just smiles a sleepy grin, and reaches up and touches my cheek tenderly with his fingers. Then his hand drops back down to the ground, and his eyelids close.

       "Cross, no! Wake up!" I shake his head, not feeling the injury that's been inflicted on my hand, or caring that his face is slick with thick red blood.

      I hear a loud crack, and look up just in time to see the tornado obliterate an oak tree that was probably close to thirty feet tall.

     Heading practically straight towards us.

     I use whatever strength I have in me and wrap my hands under Cross's armpits and start tanking him to the right, across the grass and to a wheat field, not knowing what else to fucking do with him.

      He must still be somewhat coherent because he uses his feet to help me move us along with ground.

     The twister is relentless though, and I can feel rock and sticks taking chunks out of my skin, catching me on my face and causing me to turn my head away.

      I manage to get us into the wheat fields and use my body as a shield to cover Cross. We have nowhere else to go, and I have no other idea on how to protect us from the wrath that is Mother Nature right now.

      My hand is throbbing, and I know if I look ill just see that I've made the injury even worse than before. Exhaustion takes over my body, all the adrenaline leaving my system.

      I can feel the constant sting of particles slashing across my back, ripping my top to shreds.

     I lift my head up to look at Cross wondering if his face is going to be the last one I see before I leave this earth.

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