Chapter 25

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Sutter's POV

"Lil, it's going to be okay, I promise." I try to reassure her for the tenth time, but I can tell by the tense set of her shoulders, and the petrified look on her face, that none of my words are having a calming affect on her.

"You don't get it, Sut. My parents are going to kill me probably." Her voice shakes and I turn on my side to face her, on the hammock we're laying on in my backyard.

Lilly's parents and mine have become pretty decent friends over the years, with she and I being inseparable. Tonight my dad wanted to grill out and I told Lilly we need to tell them all at once that she's pregnant.

She hasn't been to a doctor yet, and I've known she was pregnant for a month now, so she could be anywhere from eight to twelve weeks. And as small as she is from constantly playing a sport, her body will definitely start showing sooner rather than later.

"I know it's scary, I'm scared too. But you need to see a doctor, and we need to make sure it's okay for you to keep swimming competitively or not. There's a lot of things we don't know, that they can help us with. I'm more worried about you, than I am about how my parents are going to react."

She looks at me like she doesn't understand. "How can you be more worried about me? I'm fine, and you and I are fine. Our parents however, are not going to be fine. They're going to flip, Sutter. My dad.." Her voice trails off and I literally see her body shaking by how nervous she is.

I grab her face and force her to look at me. "Listen Lil, they are going to be mad and upset at first, and they'll probably yell and say a lot of shit that they don't mean. But then they'll get over it, and they'll support us and our decision, because they're our parents, and they love us." I try once again to calm her, but she just shakes her head at my words and closes her eyes, a couple of tears spilling over.

"You just don't get it." She whispers.

"How do I not get it? I'm going to have to tell my parents the same way you are, mine are going to be upset too. But I'm trusting that their love for us is going to overshadow any other feeling they may have." I'm starting to get a little annoyed that she's acting like I'm not in this with her too.

She just shakes her head. "You're right, okay, lets get it over with."

I take her hand in mine, and notice how much it's shaking. I kiss her knuckles and then pull her inside, where our parents are sitting around the big dining room table drinking wine. Jo is over at a friends house somewhere in the neighborhood, which may be a good thing, depending on how ugly things get.

"Hey guys, what's up?" My mom says smiling at us, she was the first to notice us enter the room.

"We actually have something we want to talk to you about." I say, and feel the sinking nervous feeling take over my chest.

I look to Lilly for some strength, but her face has gone completely white, her lips not even pink anymore.

"Okay, what is it?" Lilly's Dad, Paul, asks. And by the quizzical look on his face, I think he knows it's nothing good.

I go to open my mouth, because I know Lilly is too nervous to even speak, but I can't make any of the words come out. I was nervous and scared before, but standing here in front of all of them, makes it all seem more real.

"We're, um..we," I'm babbling like a damn idiot, but the fear has consumed my voice, and I know looking over at Lilly isn't going to help me either. It's like my throat has constructed and my tongue has swole.

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