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!Luke's POV!

This is the worst plan ever. We don't even have a plan! Nova just thought that it would be great to go and fight with Adelard Einar! Alone!

I am here finding Strange, Edward is in rome and cannot come to New York because that Vampire bitch doesn't have the power like us sorcerer, he is just fast.... what is he? Usain Bolt!

The fact that Nova loves a vampire is not that frustrating but the fact that he is just fast is more infuriating what will his speed do now? The only thing he can do is run and produce electricity for God's sake!

And then there is Nova, dumb bitch! I love her–yes I said it! First it was just infatuation or that's what I thought but when she went into her panic mode I realised how much she matters to me.
She is 17 and I am 20. Perfect age gap, I know, but she has to go and love a probably century year old vampire-ass. Here I am, hot, sexy, handsome, warm, tanned, tall and what not and on the other hand there is the cold-blooded moster, pale as ice, creepy as fuck, as old as the oldest tortoise or even older than that, fast as I don't know, cheetah? Well I can practically teleport from one place to another. And I bet he can't cook because all he need is blood.

"We are vegetarians because we drink animal blood–bla....bla....bla" I tried to copy is stupid sullen monotone accent.

Anyways, Nova had to just go there ALONE! Does she have any allergy against asking for help! Hell! She didn't need to ask for it! Me and her useless boyfriend was ready to beat the shit out of Adelard but NO! Be the ultimate savious–W–what is wrong with her?!

And then Strange, he is the GODDAMED Sorcerer Supreme for CRYING OUT LOUD!!! Where the fuck is he?!

I have literally searched his whole house where the fuck is he?!

I roamed around the hallways of our main office when something striked my mind.

Nova told me that Adelard knows about the past and the only way to find out is the Library which is either occupied with Wong or Strange..... that means? Oh god!

I turned around and ran towards the Library. Once reached, I burst open the door and looked at the library.

It was trashed. Books torn, scattered around and shelves thrown. I am so stupid! Why the hell did I brought stuffs from the Sacred Library?!

"Strange!" I stepped over the books going in the library.

"Wong!" I got no reply.

I swear to god if something happens to them I will tear that motherfucker apart and feed his shreds to hounds—

A groan cut my dark, intrusive thoughts and I followed it.

"Strange?" I called once again and heard his weak voice calling me.

"Luke" I followed his voice and when I saw him, I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Who did that to you?" I asked raising an eyebrow as I looked down at Strange and Wong.

"Nova. She took the gem of the book" Strange said trying to get out of whatever that was. His words shocked me.

"Why would Nova bound you like..... this?" I can never accept the accusations against Nova. She will never, ever betray any of us. Not in this life or the next.

He and Wong were squeezed in a very big steel cuff around their waist.
Still cant believe they both are one of the most powerful sorcerers.

"Help us out!" Wong exclaimed making me jump and I quickly started to help them get out.

"What the hell is this thing?" I asked taking a deep breath after trying to my fullest.

"Waist cuffs?" I looked towards Wong and passed him the most sarcastic smile.

My Love from the Stars (OC X EDWARD CULLEN)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin