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!Edward's POV!

I looked at her she was fading fast.

"Are you okay?" I asked but she.

"Ho-How did yo—" and she blacked out. Shit!

"Hey, wake up, hey" I tapped her cheek but smelled blood.

Looking at the road I saw blood. She hit her head. Arghh

I had to leave her there as there were people comming as I saw her opening her eyes lightly. Thank God.

I ran from there to where my family was standing.

"What the hell were you thinking?!?!" Rosalie exclaimed.

!Nova's POV!

I was now sitting in a hospital's bed, a nurse infront of me dressing up my wound as Charlie came in. Now the drama begins.

"Nova are you fine!?!? Oh my god you hit your head!!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Charlie I am fine, see" I said trying to cool him down.

"Nova I am so sorry! I didn't mean to do it I just lost control!" Tyler said from behind

"You and me, we are going to have a talk!" Charlie said looking dead serious.

"Charlie I am fine!"

"Mr. Swan I am so sorry I di—" 

"You can kiss your lisence goodbye" Charlie interrupted.

"Charlie!" I exclaimed.


"I heard chief Swan's daughter is here" A man said comming in the room infront of me.

He looked just like the other Cullens, golden eyes, light purple bags under his eye, chalk-like skin and golden hair.

They are not related then also they are so similar, weird.

"How are you feeling?" He asked and now I was very frustrated.

"For 159th time I am fine!" I said as he chuckle and nodded.

"You look fine too" He said as I turned to look at Charlie with a raised eyebrow.


"Nova I am so sor—" Tyler started but Charlie pulled the cover blocking view as I gave him a look and turned to the doctor.

He flashed the pen torch to my eye and ordered me to move my eyes with his fingers.

"Yeah, just some weakness, dizziness, vitals are fine so, congratulations you will be fine in a few days" He said as I sighed.

"How did you got out without getting any injuries?" The nurse from before asked as Charlie turned to look at me and I glanced at the doctor who was quite uncomfortable.

"Well.............. Good luck, I guess, cause I would have been smashed between the cars but you know.................Miracle?" I said more like asked which all of them bought.

"Am I allowed to go now?" I asked as Mr. Cullen nodded.

"First some formalities then you can go" he said kindly making me groan lightly.

After the nurse did my checkup I was allowed to go but Charlie had to fill some forms so I went out alone but as I was going to turn I saw Edward, Rosalie and Mr. Cullen standing and arguing.

"What were you thinking?" Rosalie hissed.

"I couldn't have just let her die!" Edward argued.

"You are putting your family in danger" Rosalie said making me furrow my eyebrows.

"But she didn't said your name, Edward" Mr. Cullen said calmly but stopped abruptly as if sensed me and I knew that there was no pontin hiding as Edward turned to look at me.

I smile lightly and said "I just wanted to thank you for saving me, thanks" and then walked away from that awkward situation.

!Edward's POV!

"great!" I muttered to Rosalie as she looked down.

Nova just left and apparently she heard everything and I was kind of hurt with that.

"I didn't meant her to hear this" Rose muttered as I rolled my eyes and walked to Nova's direction.

As I walked out of the hospital I saw her standing at the parking lot near her car examining the dent on it.

"Hey" I said as she turned around and smiled.


"I just wanted to apologize to you about what Rosalie said, she—"

"Hey, it's alright,  she has the full right to be mad after all it's a big secret" she said as my eyes widened a little.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You know your secret that you all are probably a bunch of serial killer who kidnap children and eat them and all" she said playfully making me chuckle.

"But if she was so mad then it would be a very important and big secret which I don't want to know at all but I have a slight hint–but anyways I am very hungry so I am gonna go, okay?" She said as I nodded.

"Bye, drive safely" I said as she saluted.

"Aye, aye captain!" She said before thanking me again and sat in the car droving it away as I went back to the hospital.

I just wonder how far she is to find who we really are, and I hope that she is far away from finding out the truth.

⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚

Well it's really fun to write a twilight fanfic! Please comment, vote and follow my profile for updates.

OvEr AnD oUt!!

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