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!Third person's POV!

Next morning was kind of a blur for Nova.

With all the check out from the 'hotel' she didn't even realised that it was noon.

Charlie and Nova drove home and he helped her inside the house as she was still not able to put all the weight on her side.

After getting in Nova took a bath and wore some comfortable but warm clothes.

It took a few days more for her to heal completely and in these few days she was always in her room and didn't talked with Bella at all.

Charlie would go to duty and The Cullen siblings would come to take care of her which she didn't liked cause she was now better and could take care of herself but when Charlie and Edward both pleaded she agreed reluctantly.

At nights Edward would come and tuck her in and would be with her all night just watching how peaceful and worry free she looked while sleeping.

They both have never talked about their kiss and Nova knew that she needed to because it was her first serious kiss and not to mention she has developed a small crush on Edward.

So, today is the day where she will confess her feelings for him but she was not nervous about that.

The main reason for her nervousness was school.

From today she was starting her school. She knows that people will whisper about her and she knows that she is gonna ignore it but then also there is a part of her which is a little nervous to go to the school again.

She woke up by the feeling of someone shaking her gently, as she opened her eyes she saw Edward infront of her smiling down at her.

She smiled lazily at him before muttering "Hi"

"Good morning, sleeping beauty" He said and could see her smiling and blushing lightly.

She was the most important person and the most precious treasure to him and he would do anything to keep her out of danger and would take care of her at any costs.

"Get up, time for school" He said making her grumble as she closed her eyes and sighed.

"Can't I skip school for one last time?" She asked as her crush shook his head firmly before taking her arms and making her stand on her feet as she whined when the cold air hit her warm body.

"Go on, get ready, I'll pick you up" He said before pecking her lips quickly and vamp sped out of the house by her window leaving her wide awake and in shock as her finger tips grazed her lips gently.

It was their second kiss and now she was more than sure that he liked her back and not to mention the weird but romantic mate thing he mentioned before.

Snapping out of her gaze she quickly went to her bathroom and got ready for her school.

She was wearing loose clothes not wanting to be uncomfortable and didn't took any of her weapons knowing that she is not that fit and would not be able to take down a kid.

Sighing she tied her hair in a loose ponytail standing in front of her mirror looking at her reflection.

She didn't liked how she was limping slightly but didn't had a choice because whenever she tried to walk normally her side where she was shot would sting which would make her hiss time to time.

After coming from the hospital she didn't had any panic attacks or anything like that and she was grateful as she has not told anyone about it and would not like anyone to know that she was so weak mentally and cannot even go through some panic attacks.

My Love from the Stars (OC X EDWARD CULLEN)Where stories live. Discover now