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!Third Person's POV!

"The Volturi are the very old, very powerful family" Edward told Nova, leading her to Carlisle's office but she was walking slower than him because of the bruise she had received this evening.

Edward looked back at her in concern.

"Are you fine?" He asked coming to her as she smiled at him.

"Ofcourse I am, what were you saying about the Volturi" She said trying to change the topic as they both entered the office.

Edward was a little unsure to tell her about the Volturi but in the end her gave in and told her.

"This is the Volturi" He said pointing at a big 18th century oil painting depicting three men, pale as death and all of them had dark, sinister red eyes.

They were standing on a balcony, elegantly as they looked down from the big balcony supported by four pillars.

"The closest thing my world has to royalty" Edward said as Nova brushed her hand over the painting as she squinted her eyes.

She saw a golden haired man behind one of the pillar over the balcony looking unsure.

He was looking awfully similar to C—

"Is that Carlisle?" Nova asked as Edward nodded sadly.

"Francesco Solimena painted this painting, he often depicted Volturi as Gods and yes that is Carlisle, he lived with them for a few decades. He defines them as very refined–for killers" Edward told Nova who was examining the painting closely.

It was a circular old, white marble hall, it's marbles cracked and weathered. The open oculus in the domed ceiling is the only source of light. The room is empty but for three large wooden chairs and half a dozen vampires in elegant 18th century attire.

"The Volturi are also what you might call enforcers" Edward said making Nova look at him.

"Of what?" She asked.

"The only rule they have: To keep our kind existence, secret" He answered.

Two of the kings of Volturi, Marcus and Caius took their seats exactly at the middle of the hall as the main King, Aro walked back and fourth in front of a feeble looking vampire on his knees as two of the gaurds of Volturi held him down.

He looked feeble as compared to the other vampires in the room and terrified as Aro placed his hands on the either side of the feeble vampire's face.

"We don't make spectacles of ourselves, or kill conspicuously, unless we want to die" Edward said.

Aro slowly wraps his hands around the feeble vampire's head and started pulling it out.

In no time the vampire's skin started to crack as he screamed in pain and then finally Aro ripped the vampire's head off of his body and the two Volturi gaurds, Felix and Demetri appears on either side of the body as Aro went back to sit on the throne comfortably as the gaurds ripped each limbs off of the vampire's body as Carlisle looked away from the scene.

"You can't let The Volturi or anyone else hurt you!" Nova exclaimed.

Edward watched as his mate got worried and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Who else would hurt me?" He asked making Nova scoff.

"Please, you must have atleast one enemy our there and anyways I know one" She said making Edward raise an eyebrow.

"Who?" He asked.

"You said Victoria will come after you!" Nova exclaimed.

"She will, one day, but Alice will see her coming and we all will be safe" He said confidently.

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