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TW: Fighting, Blood

!Nova's POV!

We both entered the Ballet studio and I was alert, very alert, I want to save them even if it costs my life but that doesn't mean I want to die so I am extra alert.

We both heard a woman's voice which I can only assume as Bella's mother but before I could say something to Bella she took off to find the source of the voice making me groan.

I hate when people act with emotions, it always get them killed so in order to save her I ran after her.

"Bella? Bella! Where are you!?!" The woman yelled making me furrow my eyebrows.

Why would a victim shout like that? God, please don't be a trap!

I thought as Bella opened a door and to my great horror it was a tape recording, this was a trap.

I quickly turned around to see my surroundings as Bella watched the tape.

Stupid girl!

"The stubborn Bella" We heard James voice as I looked frankly around to find him but couldn't see him anywhere.

"Always makes wrong choices" He said and then laughed as I saw him and threw one of my knives at him but when the knife just fell after colliding with his body my heart dropped.

"These toys, useless" He said picking the knife and breaking it.

"Now let's make this more interesting, yes? We are going to record you! Yayy!" He said as he took a recording camera from his back.

"Took it from your house, you don't mind it, do you?" He asked Bella and laughed at her petrified state.

And here we go!

He vamp sped towards us and threw me across the studio with a simple push and recorded it.

"Fragile humans, tut tut" He tutted as I fell on the floor after hitting the wall.

It felt like my bones have been shattered as air left my lungs.

I gasped for air as I saw James recording Bella as he slammed her head to one of the walls.

"Tell him how much it hurts, tell him to take revenge!" He shouted.

"No Edward, don't!!" She yelled back as he started putting pressure on her leg.

!Third person's POV!

suddenly when he was near to break Bella's leg he was pushed by a great force and fell on a mirror shattering it.

"Get out of here, now!" Nova yelled to Bella and got up limping towards the gate as James also stood up and looked at Nova who was standing at the front of Bella's limping figure, away from them.

"You are one special one!" He growled and jumped from above Nova and towards Bella but was thrown at the other side of the studio, away from both the girls.

Nova was panting because she always grew weaker and weaker while using her powers but she tried her best to protect Bella.

Bella turned around to look at Nova who shouted at her.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" Bella quickly started running as James tried to pounce on her but this time a purple shield protected Bella.

Nova was using her mind power to make a shield covering Bella till she got out of the Ballet studio.

She was now weak and blood was running down her nose making the situation worse.

Till the time Bella got out of the Ballet studio James had tried to attack her several times with all his strength making Nova grunt every time as she tried to make the shield stronger.

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