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!Nova's POV!

After I took a bath, freshen up and talked to Luke, I sneaked into the controlling room and sat on the chair.

Say whatever you want me to but I cannot trust anyone right now and I'm having so much difficulty in trusting Luke too.

I need to test his loyalty towards Strange and for that I need to find any base or any group of Adelard in the city which would be easy cause I'm 110% sure he is planning something in New York. After all every villian has an obsession with New York.

The scanning of the city is difficult but I'm doing it. I've already done the northern part of NY and now I'm doing the Southern part.

Well, I don't have to do anything everything is done by the Machines, I just have to sit around so that's what I'm doing.

So, I just have to find a way to reflect my powers from five different direction and I can close the portal BUT I'm not sure about this. Hell, I don't even know if I will be alive after using so much power but then again I can do it cause–IM NOVA FUCKING SWAN!

I raised my hands in victory when the moniter buzzed making me jump.

I quickly looked at the monitor only to find a cafe and not just any cafe but The Brew box.

Fucking great!

So, I'll just invite him there but before that I'm gonna ho and check. Easy peasy lemon.

So let's start!

I walked out of my room in my warm clothes as Jan is ending and now winters are on peak.

"And where are you heading to?" Steve asked me as I was going to cross the kitchen.

"A place called 'it's none of your business'" I sassed passing him an innocent smile.

Finally, I was out from the tower and made my way to the cafe I decided: The Brew Box.

As my car has been exploded I had to take Happy with me but in order for him to not know about my plan I have to go alone cause as much as I like Happy, he is just an assistant of Tony and it's obvious that he is going to blow everything to him.

So I made him stop a mile away from the cafe not giving him the exact location of where I am.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded quickly getting out of my car.

"100% sure" I waited for his car to vanish from my sight before I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the stake out.

I walked to the cafe and looked to the counter table and found the barista that always serves me whenever I come.

I find it pretty weird that whenever I'm here he is the only one serving but I shrugged it off and looked around to find anything out of the place but it was a normal evening of a cafe.

People here and there drinking tea, coffee or whatever they like, children laughing and adults talking.

"Hydro!" I heard the barista call me breaking my trance as I looked at him.

Now that I looked at him, I don't know his name, he never told me or anyone when I'm near.

The hum automatically came out of my mouth and my eyes narrowed before a smile graced my features.

"Hey!" I chirped way too happily which made me cringe hard.

"You look happy" He commented and I raised my eyebrows with a happy expression.

As if!

"So, I found it pretty weird that I don't know your name" I narrowed my eyes at him and he literally got so nervous, a stuttering mess.

"You alright?" I asked and he nodded his head violently.

"Your not, now tell me what happened" I asked and saw his eyes darting towards someone behind me.

I looked back only to see a man sipping his coffee and reading newspaper...... Or is he?

I turned my eyes towards the Barista again gave him a smirk.

"How many?" I asked and saw his eyes Dart again but this time to someone else.

I looked back to see another person doing his own things but then again is he?

"Two?" I asked and then he looked back againnn.

I looked where he was looking to find ANOTHER STUPID MOTHERFUCKER doing his own 'things'.

"Okay" I smiled at him and turned around sighing out tiredly.

"This is the last time I'm doing something..... After Adelard I'll have a coke with vodka mixed in one hand and a handsome looking man in my other hand, while we dance" Hmm, nice plan.

I walked to the first one and sat down infront of him.

He looked up giving me a questioning look.

"Sir, I'm Hydrius, I know you don't believe me but come out with the other two bugs we have got to do some dealing" I smiled standing up sluggishly and walking from the back door, waiting for them to show their asses.


I came back to the cafe and scanned the place only to find Luke sitting on one of the tables, engrossed in his phone.

I took a calming breath and went towards him clearing my throat to announce my presence.

He quickly looked up from his mobile and stood up.

"Hey, you are late" He complained and my 'what the fuck?' Type of expression washed over my feature.

"Um, only by five minutes" I pointed out looking at my watch.

"Yeah but it's still late" He said in a duh tone and I smiled taking in a breath all the while chanting only one sentence.

Don't kill him. You need him.

"Okay I'm not here for chit-chat so please if you sit down and listen to me" I said and he raised his eyes giving me the look that made me think of my confidence.

"Come on" He said and we both sat down facing each other.

"So.... What pleasure do I owe to meet the one and only Nova" He said while I just look at him blankly.

This is going to be one hell of a task.

"I got to know how..... How can we trust that you are on our side" I stopped mid sentence just as I remembered this question to ask.

"Um.... I am a reputed man and a person whom everyone trust in the sorcerer world" He shrugged his shoulders.

"And this is not the sorcerer world neither your reputation in your world mean anything to me, I want proof that you will never betray us" I said tilting my head to the side and cocking my eyebrow.

He sighed and corrected his posture so that he leaned over the table.

"Listen, I have done many things to prove my loyalty to Strange so I don't need to proof something to you"

"I'm not Strange and I need your help but I have to be confident enough to tell you anything so..... Yeah, help me and we can solve our problems" I said confidently.

He sighed out leaning back on his chair.

"What do you want me to do?" I grinned after listening his reply.

"We are going to have some fun" I said standing up and slapping a few dollars on the table.

"C'mon" I said ready to get out of the cafe.

⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ *・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

Yea, well I've got nothing to say.... 😁😁

Have a good day/night!

OvEr AnD oUt!!

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