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The Cullens had packed their packed their bags and were ready to board on the plan and leave their cousin's home in Alaska. The Denali Cullens.

They have been continuously trying to tell Edward that it was not his fault that Nova died, but he was so deep in depression that he couldn't think of anything except that he cannot live after killing Nova, his love, mate but most of all an innocent girl.

Tomorrow morning Carlisle had to meet Luka Armani but he requested on bringing his entire family for lunch just to make good ties with Carlisle and he obviously agreed.

So they had to go to Rome and check in a hotel with their rooms.

Nova on the other hand was with Luke ready to fight.

After they jumped in they saw a big tunnel lit up with blue and white lights.

"Looks like we are going to have our night walk" Luke said and started to walk like he owns the place.

"To be honest I'm still in shock at how you survived these many years" Nova said and Luke stopped turning around and looked at her.

"And why is that?" He asked tapping his leg impatiently.

"You're walking like you own this place, anyone can shoot you w-" A gunshot rang through the tunnel and they both ducked just in time.

"-While you walk" She completed her sentence with slight shakiness in her voice.

They both looked up to see a man in a guard's uniform with his gun pointing at them.

"Aren't you Nova and Luke" The man grinned cocking the gun.

"Looks like I'm finally getting a promotion" He grinned and was ready to shoot when Nova raised her hand and flicked her fingers which made both of them disappear or that's what the man thought.

He looked around confused with his aim unfocused which made Luke look at Nova confusingly and she put her index finger on her lips telling him to be quiet.

He nodded with slight hesitation and Nova nodded back and started to walk towards the guard and took a blade from her belt which was quite sharp.

As she was in range, she plunged it into the guard's neck, resulting in him choking over his own blood.

She flicked her finger again and the man could finally see them with wide eyes as he covered his wound with both of his hand and fell.

The crimson blood started to pool around the man and his legs started to stop while his eyes became unfocused.

Nova and Luke shared a glance which made it clear that they both didn't want to kill him.

When the man's eyes became unfocused and he stopped moving Nova Bent down and pulled the blade out of the dead man's neck.

"Let's go" Luke said keeping his hand on her shoulder while she nodded.

They both started to jog from where the man came with both of their revolvers in their hands.

They finally spotted a lift but with the lift, they also found a bunch of men so Nova again flicked her fingers again and they both disappeared.

They both went inside the lift with other men and waited for the men's floor to come.

Strangely enough, they all were going to the same floor.

Nova started to feel some kind of uncomfortable feeling in her chest and her eyes widened. To say the least, she was overconfident that she could now use her powers without any interruption but guess she was wrong and it was not one of the best situations in which she discovered it.

My Love from the Stars (OC X EDWARD CULLEN)Where stories live. Discover now