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!Edward's POV!

"I can't wait, Carlisle! She is my mate, my only one! I can't let her die!"

"Then what will you do son, we don't know what is going on, we are not in Forks, we are far away from it, from Nova" Carlisle tried to comfort me with his calming voice but it only infuriated me more.

How can I let her die!? I left her so that she can be safe but now as I see her in danger it is my responsibility to protect her.

"He is right Edward, we have to think of something" I glared at Jasper with my stonic glare.

"What would you do if it was Alice instead of her, huh?! Would you say the same thing?!" I shouted.

"No, but you are different from me, Alice's visions are not definite, it can change"

"I can't let the only person I love with everything die!" This time it was an animalistic growl that made the windows rattle.

"Son, you spent years to control the beast within you, don't let you emotions drain the effort of those years" Carlisle's hand on my shoulder stopped me from pouncing on Jasper and ripping his head off.

He is right, I am not the monster that I was once, I need to calm down.

"Did you saw anything that could tell us what day was it?" I asked Alice in the same voice and she quickly Shook her head.

"No, it was just her in her suit and she was using her powers when that man stabbed her" She said and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath which was not required at all.

"What to do?" I whispered sitting on the couch with my head in my hands.

I don't know how to save her, I'm not at all good for her, I cannot save her.

"Maybe you can't be with her in this phase of her life, Edward. Maybe it is a challenge that she has to face alone and a lesson she has to learn alone but when this will be over, you will be with her ready to comfort her in any way possible" Carlisle spoke softly sitting down next to me.

He is right. I will be there with her, for her and will open my arms for her, always even if she doesn't like it, I will be with her when she faces the consequences of the decisions she will make and never judge her.

I will love her till eternity.

!Nova's POV!

After hours of searching for something that would help me and pondering over what they said I finally came to a conclusion that I am a nuthead.

Ofcourse, it is so fucking easy!

They gave me their powers in order to increase mine and gave me so clear hints, it was just my mind fogged up.

Too much of everything is the beginning of destruction. Of-fucking-course.

If I direct all my powers at the portal it can destroy it but then I'm not sure if what I'm thinking is right.

I have only got one chance and also I have to search for the portal and not to mention if my plan is stupid and it opens the portal the demons are going to come out and then have a freaking party of expensive flesh.

And by the books I read the five elements should attack simultaneously from five direction then only it will work, why? Don't ask me, just finding this much made me want to just kill myself and end this fo–wait! This is also an option! Fucking brilliant!

"I'm just so tired" my voice came out raspy maybe because of the lack of speaking.

I just couldn't lift my eyes, they were burning and I just wanted to sleep or take a small power nap.

My Love from the Stars (OC X EDWARD CULLEN)Where stories live. Discover now