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!Nova's POV!

Jacob rushes towards the truck and Bella steps out looking a little more pale than usual and not to mention more skinny, soon she is going to look like a stick and I am damn sure if a strong wind blows she is going to sway with it.

"What happened to her?" I whispered to Paul who was besides me and grinned at me.

"She is depressed since the Cullens left" He said and I couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy but as soon as it came it disappeared when I remembered the things Edward said to me.

"Okay, now that Bella is here we can finally start with the bonfire!" Seth exclaimed and Leah his sister let out a small laugh.

Paul, Jacob, Sam, Embry, Jared and Leah are older than Seth and Seth is only fifteen years and is very cute and adorable even thought they all are taller than me.

"I'll go and bring Billy" Embry said and quickly rushed inside the house.

"Billy is here?" I asked and Paul looked at me like I said the dumbest thing ever.

"What?" I asked.

"You don't know?" He asked clearly enjoying that there is something that I don't know.

"Billy is the one who will tell us our tribal story" He answered.

"Tribal story?" I asked and he nodded, I guess I'll just have to wait till everyone doesn't come.

I looked towards Bella and saw her already glaring at me making smirk. I winked at her making her Huff in annoyance while I laughed silently to not get any attention.

"Nova, I didn't knew you returned!" I heard Billy's voice and quickly turned to find him smiling at me, sitting on his usual wheelchair.

"Yeah, I came today morning" I answered, scratching my neck awkwardly.

"Well then It's getting late, we should begin" He said and I nodded.

We all sat on logs as Paul and Jacob lit the bonfire, it was very chilly but the bonfire was making our surroundings warm.

The atmosphere quickly shifted to a tensed one and it felt like I was going to listen a thriller story so I gave my full attention to Billy.

Jacob sat next to me even though he should be sitting next to Bella so that was another reason which made Bella glare at me so like a good sister I am I nudged Jacob which made him look at me.

"Sit beside Bella?" I asked and he shook his head making me furrow my eyebrows.

"Why?" I whispered again and he sighed.

"You know I love her, right?" He asked and I nodded knowing how much he loves her.

"She was just using me to divert her attention from Edward" He said and I sighed at him.

Poor Jacob......

"I'm sorry to hear that" I said even though I was confused as to why she was overreacting and if she doesn't love Jacob then why is she glaring at me like I just forcefully took her kidney? This girl should sort her priorities out.

"Let's start with our story" Billy said and Jacob nudged me for a few times in excitement and I turned to look at him to calm him down with an amused smile on my face.

"Jacob, calm down" I said laughing lightly and he just rolled his eyes at me, still excited like a little kid.

"So, the story starts back with our first leader of the quileute clan. So for those who don't know we are not like any other human being. Humans live with different creatures that are stronger and intelligent than them. One is vampire and just like vampires, werewolves also lives on the same ground as humans. There are legends on Quileutes but none of them reach to any conclusion so they are known as myths but the truth is that the Quileutes are descendent of powerful humans who cn shift into wolves at their will" Billy said and to say that I was shocked would be an understatement.

My Love from the Stars (OC X EDWARD CULLEN)Where stories live. Discover now