Part Twenty Seven

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°4 Years Later°

I grabbed my keys and headed downstairs as Miracle called my name for me to hurry. I went toward my closet to grab my jacket from the hook, studying my trophies, pictures, rings, print outs of framed magazine articles of me, pictures taken of me that were on TV, and sighed. I slid my jacket on and closed my closet, heading downstairs.

I locked the door as we headed toward the car, kissing her as we rested our hands on each others as our forearms nestled together on the arm rest. I pulled out of the driveway and began our trip.

"Give me a couple of minutes." I said, undoing my seat belt and unlocking the doors as we arrived. She nodded, rubbing my hand softly. I got out, grabbing the flowers from the back seat and shutting the door. I began walking through the large bright green field full of tombstones. There was slight fog, and it was quiet.

After walking for a bit, I approached her tombstone and fell to my knees. It may have been two years since this all happened but every time I came here, things still felt so new. Miracle walked up behind me after a while, wrapping her arm around my waist as I draped my arm over her shoulders. I sighed and let my head drop slightly as my eyes stung. I never forgot to come out here every other day of the week, Victoria would come as well. If I'm being honest, part of me still felt connected with her. I spoke to her for a bit as memories played in my head and a single tear fell from my eye.

Donna had been released about a year ago and moved to California. Winston committed suicide in prison 3 months in. They say his last words were that he was sorry. I felt another hand on my opposite shoulder, but it didn't feel...normal. I opened my eyes, peeking from the bottom corner of my peripheral view. Of course.

I shut my eyes, whispering to myself that it wasn't real. I opened my eyes again, looking directly to my left and seeing my father holding my daughters hand. They looked well, Justice didn't look hurt, but vibrant and happy. They gave a comforting smile, as if telling me it was okay to let go now.

Snap out of it, Trent.

Another tear fell from my eye as I turned my back and looked to Miracle, holding each of her hands in mine. She looked at me with a pained expression, trying not to cry herself. I looked down, placing my palm gently on her protruding round belly and taking a knee, feeling light thumping every couple of seconds. Then it hit me.

How much longer would I continue to weep and be held back from the horror that happened that day? Continue to beat myself for what I could've done differently while each new day passes by, going to waste? Isaiah would be here any day now, and I didn't want to be that parent that always compared everything to something bad that happened and ruin his life worried about what happened before. I will miss my daughter every day until I take my last breath, but that doesn't mean I should diminish the love I have left.

I looked back up to Miracle as the wind slightly brushed her hair. I smirked, confusing her.

"From now on we push forward. For him." I said, kissing her stomach. A wide smile spread across her face. I grabbed her hand. "I love you so much, Miracle."

"I love you, Trent."

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