Part Eleven

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"Daddy! Get up c'mon, you said we'd go to the park today!" Justice jumped up and down on my bed to wake me up. I jumped up and grabbed her, tickling her. She laughed and tried to break free from my grip. "Daddy stop!" She screamed and laughed. I let her go.

"Go get dressed. Did you eat?" I asked.

"Nope." She said. I chuckled.

"Get a bowl of cereal then get ready." I said. She hopped up excitedly

Justice wanted to come home with me last night so Victoria took the time to spend it with her new male friend, Nathan. I still didn't know how I felt about that. To be fair, she didn't seem too fond of me going out on a date with another woman just yet either. We just have to get over ourselves.

I went downstairs and made me a spinach bacon cheese and egg omelette. Justice was finishing her bowl of cereal and drank her glass of orange juice.

"That smells yummy." Justice said.

"Get back, this is mine you had cereal." I smirked. She smiled and dropped her bowl, spoon and cup into the sink and raced upstairs.

I ate and watched TV for a bit while she got ready. She was pretty good at getting herself dressed, so I trusted her. Now doing her hair was another story.

I threw on a tshirt and sweatpants and finger combed my hair. I brushed my teeth, put on deodorant and sprayed on a bit of cologne.

I kept trying to ignore my head continuously nudging me and saying 'hey stupid' and flashes of her passed through my head. It made me feel odd and inclined to ignore it because the last time that happened with a woman, it was with Victoria. Who is anyone kidding? She's in England. There's no chance, so I don't know why I'm doing this to myself.

Even if she showed more skin than I was prepared for on a first date, or flashed that cute crescent shaped dimple in her chin when she laughed, or how noticeable the sway of her hips was when she walked. Man, she had some sexy legs...but that's neither here nor there. I felt like such a jerk for even thinking she'd sleep with me on our first date. I've gotta cool it with the one night stands.

"Dad you're such a slow poke come on!" Justice called.

"Are you ready?" I shouted back.

"Yeah!" She said, thumping down the stairs. I got up and grabbed my keys and went down stairs, chuckling when Justice caught my eye.

"Oh, you're ready?" I motioned for her to come to me. I grabbed a hair brush that had conveniently been sitting on the coffee table and put her messy hair into 2 ponytails. "There, perfect."

"Thanks Dad."

"No problem princess, let's go." I nodded toward the door letting her out first, and locking it behind me.

We drove about 25 minutes to a private park. Another thing that was bittersweet about my career was that I couldn't just go out in public anymore, let alone take my kid out anywhere unless it was private property or I had security with me. Most people I knew had the whole 9 yards, constant security, a maid, a cook, a driver, a manager that lived with them. Me? I preferred to do as much as possible solo. My manager only intervened when needed, I clean my own house, I cook my own food, and drove myself around. I felt more comfortable that way, and frankly it was a lot cheaper. We drove past the gates and onto the private property.

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