Part Thirteen

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°The Next Day°

"William...what the hell. I thought this stuff was behind us." Dad said, an angry and stressed look on his face. I had pulled him to the side to speak to him in private. After returning to the US, I informed my family of my arrival so I could come visit while I was here. Only the Lord knew how long we'd be there.

"Winston." I clenched my jaw as we stood across from each other.

"William, Winston, whatever you want to be called isn't going to just erase this, son. Now we put what happened when you were a kid in the past. You don't think there'll be a trail sooner or later?"

"What exactly are you saying?" I asked, annoyed. I already knew he was speaking about Donna. I told him everything that had happened, my conscience was about to break through.

"At first I liked her. Donna, she was a sweet girl. But now she's got you repeating bad habits--"

"Bad habits? You say it like I killed my father deliberately. He was abusing my mum and both of his children." I rolled my eyes.

"And what was this girl doing? Making flirty eyes with you that Donna didn't like? To what caliber do those two instances match, Will?!"

"Winston." I said louder and more firmly. There was an awkward silence. "I apologize." I finally said. "I understand where you're coming from, Dad. I just thought you'd understand. I needed to talk to someone about this, and obviously you were the wrong person. Do the least and don't say a word to a soul, please?" I asked as I stood and headed toward the door.

"You've got my word." He replied, never turning to meet my gaze. I exited the room and went back out to join everyone.

°3 hours later°

"You what?!" Donna screeched after meeting me back at the large condo. While I was at my dad's, she went to visit her brother and sister.

"Donna I had to say something to someone. My dad won't say a thing." I tried to reassure her.

"Under the right pressure, anybody will." She rolled her eyes and went into her night stand's drawer and pulled out a small container.

"So what, he's gone too?" I asked, angrily. She shook her head silently as she prepared a line to snort and rolled a joint with smack laced into it. I took off my shirt and pants and put on only gym shorts. She made 2 separate, thick lines and did one, handing me the other. I did it and turned on the TV. She took off all of her clothes except her underwear and crawled into bed with me as my phone vibrated. My dad texted me.

Dad: Channel 105. Now.

I furrowed my eyebrows and put my phone down, grabbing the remote. It was an international news station.

"What's with this? You never watch the news."

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