Part Twenty Two

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3 weeks later

I was nervous.
Over the past few weeks, I'd been sucked deep into the internet, researching everything I needed to go through with my plan. During my time in the dark web, I'd actually met a person named Luke G. He was a very blunt and discreet person, and today I was set to meet him at a nearby café.
I was actually in the middle of getting ready when I got a message from him.

Luke: ready when u r.

And with that, I grabbed my keys and left.
Don't think I didn't have any second thoughts before actually going through with this. A big part of me really loved Winston and didn't want to do this, but another part of me, a dark and ruthless part of me, was eating away at that and had nothing to lose. He hadn't gotten in contact with me at all since the last time we saw each other, and it was driving me crazy. I didn't let it show on the surface, though.
Before pulling off, I did a small line and gulped down a nip of vodka in two gulps. I threw the small bottle away as I felt my nerves melt away. I got back into the car and drove to our meeting spot.
After about 10 minutes, I pulled up and put my shades on. Specifically the ones that were too dark for anyone to see my eyes.
I grabbed my purse and shut off the car, heading inside. As I entered, my heart was pounding. I hadn't been anywhere public or around strangers in what seemed like forever. Was anyone going to recognize me? My phone buzzed.

Luke: cool disguise. To the back on your left.

I rolled my eyes. This guy was already being an obnoxious creep.
Now, I was expecting some geek with bottle cap glasses, clothes from the 90s, and braces. I know now not to stereotype, especially after seeing his tall and thin frame that was also very fit, his chocolate skin, his twisted hair, and his piercing bright eyes.
"Uh...Luke?" I said quietly as I approached him in a hoodie. He sat nonchalantly in a booth. He had a very mysterious aura to him which I picked up on the minute he looked up and made eye contact with me.
"Luke isn't my real name, you don't have to be so quiet." He said back to me quietly. I sat in the seat across from him and cleared my throat.
"So, what should I call you then?" I asked. He stared at me blankly.
"Luke, duh." He said flatly. His eyes were so intimidating. He pulled his grey hoodie over his head. I looked to the side awkwardly.
"Right, uh...can I buy you a coffee?" I asked.
"I'm alright thanks, I'd like to get straight to business." He shrugged. "I understand you must want me to execute some hacking?"
"Yes," I responded quietly. "I have every piece of paperwork you said you needed."
"You mind me asking what all of this is for?"
"It's a long story." I sighed as I went in my purse for the papers.
"My, my, my." A familiar voice approached me. "I didn't think you'd get the guts to show your face."
I looked to my side and saw Winston standing above me, a cocky smile spread across his face.
"Well, I'm here." I put on a fake smile.
"Good to see you. Who's you friend?" He asked, nodding over to Luke. His crotch was directly by my face as he looked down at me. What a daddy... Shut up, Donna. Snap out of it.
"Uh L-Luke. Just getting a coffee with a friend." Luke rolled his eyes boringly.
"Pleasure. You guys have fun. See you around, Donna." He said, mumbling when he said my name. As he was bidding us a riddance, a familiar blonde woman my age walked through the door. Winston looked at the entry way as it opened and smiled at her. I furrowed my eyebrows. Alice? They were still in touch? He walked off getting a table together not too far from us.
"Nevermind, I don't need you to explain anything to me. You guys are so obvious, and you are a terrible liar."
"He doesn't seem to think so." I smirked.
"Well, I can't speak for everyone. Now, what are we talking in terms of money if I have you with results within the next 12 hours?" He crossed his fingers.
"12?" I asked, baffled. I was expecting something around 48 hours but this guy might actually be fantastic.
"Fine, 8. I swear, women." He mumbled and rolled his eyes.
"10 million." I responded immediately. He looked at me in awe for a second then chuckled.
"You're bluffing." He twisted his finger in his dark, kinky hair. I rolled my eyes and opened my bank account on my phone, showing him the screen. He stared for a second, taking it all in.
"Don't judge by appearances." I smirked. "And that's not including what's to come when this job is done."
"W--how does someone just get money like that?" He asked, baffled. "Who has over 40 million just sitting there?"
"I have my strategies." I rolled my eyes, peeking over at the table Winston was at. I was taken aback by the sight of Alice and Winston sitting very close, smiling in each other's faces. I rolled my eyes.
"You are a clever little witch, I'll give you that." He smirked and crossed his arms. "First thing is first, it'll take me a good 5 minutes to block the server for an entire day which will give me more than enough time to get in and get out before I've gotta buy it breakfast, and then some to cover up any tracks that may have been left." He explained. I chuckled at his little joke, but I was impressed. Not too detailed, but he seemed confident it would work. "Give me your address, I'll come to you when it's done." He added. He was very blunt and to the point.
I wrote my address on a napkin and handed it to him. He nodded and put it in his hoodie pocket, getting up and swiftly leaving. I sat in thought for a second over his mysterious energy.

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