Part Twenty Four

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I squinted as I tried to see through the fog. The air was heavy and dense.
Somehow, I saw myself as a whole. I wore almost all black, a black hoodie, black sweatpants, but bright white shoes. Was this a graveyard? Where the hell am I going? Why am I here? Did Miracle know where I was? I thought.
I could feel the warm air and humidity on my palms. Everything was so vivid. The sky was a blur from the fog, the trees were tall, old, and leafless. I noticed a figure sitting on a bench a few feet away, but the fog was so thick that I couldn't see who it was without having to walk closer. I had to stand directly in front of them to see who it was, and when I did, I almost fell to my knees.
"W...." I began as my eyes started to sting. He grinned at me. "Dad," my voice cracked as I dropped to my knees and wrapped my arms around him like a child as warm tears ran down my face. I didn't realize how much I missed him. I knew I missed him, but after you heal, or believe that you're healed over the loss of a loved one, you find a way to live and push the pain to the side.
Hugging him felt just like how I remembered, and he rested his hand on my head while hugging me back. I wiped my face as I lifted my head. "Dad, h--how are you here? How is this happening?" I asked. Why did everything have an echo? "Am I dead too?"
"No." He replied. "Why would someone like you die right now?" He furrowed his eyebrows a bit. I shrugged, still taken aback by seeing my father in front of me years after seeing him get killed in cold blood while I was strapped to a chair.
"Sit next to me." He said, patting the spot next to him. "Why did you come here?"
"Dad, I don't even know where I am or how I got here, I thought you would tell me."
"I am. I wanted to see how much you already knew." He said. I looked at him for a second. Same old Dad. "You're time is almost up, Trent." He said plainly. My eyes bulged
"What?! What do you mean? Dad, I have a kid now, and I met someone new and my career is so--I--I can't go now!" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"I don't make the rules, Trent." He responded. I noticed a circular scar on his forehead from his death.
"Why?" My thoughts began to frenzy.
"It's just about that time. I can't explain it. You must get some things done before the time comes, Trent."
"W--what do you mean?" I asked.
"You have to get everything in the open and bring everyone together." He said plainly. I looked at him. He knew. I felt so ashamed.
"Dad...I--I'm sorry it wasn't--"
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"You would've flipped, Dad! I never wanted anything near that to ever happen and now--"
"Now you've got an amazing career and had my beautiful granddaughter. I understand, Trent. It's in the past, and I understand. Donna's soul is so lost, and I want her's to be brought back too before it's too late. It starts with Miracle. Even if you lose her, you've got to tell her. Everything." He replied. "There's more pride in a man who acknowledges his wrongs and moves forward than a man who hides and lives with secrets and embarrassment for the rest of his life. You must do this."
"I can't--" I began and sighed.
"I never raised you to say 'I can't.' Let me show you something." He said before putting his hand on my shoulder. In an instant, we stood at a group of tombstones. The names on them were Dad, Mom, Donna, me, and...Justice. I broke down again after seeing Justice's name.
"You must do this." He replied again, placing his hand on my shoulder before everything was completely silent. I felt the weight of his hand disappear as I looked down, and with a small breeze, he was gone.
"Dad?" I wiped my face. "Dad!" I called out. No answer. I screamed for him repeatedly, with tears falling down my face. I began to sob harder, laying on the grass in front of Justice's tombstone feeling my heart shatter into pieces. I cried harder than I had ever cried before in my life as memories of Justice and her beautiful smile flashed through my head. I shouted for him one last time, but to no answer or appearance. Instead, I woke up in a cold sweat.

"DAD!" I shouted, jumping up from my sleep, hyperventilating. Miracle jumped up from her sleep from the sound of my shout.
"Baby? What's the matter? You're so warm, you're soaking up the bed." She said, rubbing her eyes. I panted and wiped my face with the back of my hand. I was silent as I tried to remember where I was and what was going on.
"Trent, say something." She stared at me intently. "Did you dream about your father?"
"Uh...yeah." I replied slowly. "I'm sorry, I've gotta make a call." I said before getting out of bed and throwing on a pair of gym shorts and going downstairs. I dialed up Victoria.
"Hello?" Her sleepy voice said.
"Hey where is Justice?" I asked.
"Asleep, Trent. It's 6am on a Saturday." She sighed. My eyes widened after realizing what time it was.
"Oh, I...sorry, I'll call back later." I replied before hanging up and sitting my phone on the counter. I exhaled slowly and poured a glass of water as I heard small foot steps coming downstairs. I began to down the glass.
"Trent?" Miracle's soft voice said.
"Yeah." I replied. She walked into the kitchen, sitting on one of the stools.
"Babe, I'm worried about you. What's going on?" She asked. I got so nervous, ashamed, and anxious all at the same time as I looked into her soft, pure eyes.
"There's...something I have to open up with you about babe." I sighed. Her eyebrows furrowed, and I could tell she was nervous. I grabbed her hand and led her to the couch.
", okay. First thing's first. Baby, I love you and I never intended on things being this way...I---"
"You cheated." She sighed as a tear fell from her face.
"Wh--no babe. Not really. Let me explain. Donna has...very unexpected tendencies and...I'm just going to be straight with you. I saw her on the news, I went to see what the hell she was thinking, she kept trying to push up on me like when we were kids and pretty much...almost...I guess we had sex. While we were still talking." I began, staring down. Dare I look at her? I dare. Her expression was unreadable. "Uh--"
"What do you mean like when you were kids?" She asked. I was in deep already, might as well finish. I let it all out, quicker than I had ever spoken before. I felt like I just couldn't lie anymore.
"I...she had a friend over when we were kids one day who was actually her girlfriend, but nobody knew and she was flirting with me throughout the day and that night I saw them being...intimate, and they caught me staring and I ran off to my room and they came in and Donna started doing really weird stuff and made me nut in my shorts then I fucked her girlfriend right after and since then we hadn't done anything or mentioned it at all until this particular day when I came to talk to her about the woman her and Winston murdered in England." I spilled as I furrowed my eyebrows. It was completely silent.
"Trent...that's gross. And did you say murder?" She asked in disbelief. I nodded hesitantly. She inhaled deeply. "Well, this certainly is a lot to take in."
"I...I bet. I can't make any excuses I just hope th--" I began.
"Trent, this may surprise you but I get it. The sister thing, keeping their secret. I love you too much to charge you with holding information from an officer." She raised her eyebrows. I chuckled a little.
"I...I don't seem gross to you now?" I asked timidly.
"What you did was indescribably gross, but that's not who you are. You're not the type who does that for fun or for a cheap thrill with no remorse. Something has been wrong with Donna for a while now, that part isn't your fault. Only what you did, which you clearly don't feel right about. Now, tell me more about this murder?" She asked. I was actually surprised. I was in such shock, I couldn't even respond to her for a minute. I grinned, thanking my dad mentally. We went back upstairs and talked more.

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