Part Nineteen

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I was on the phone with Miracle when I was interrupted by a constant ringing from the door bell.
"Let me call you back, alright?" I sighed. She agreed, and we hung up. "One minute!" I called as I threw on a t-shirt and slid my slippers on, finger combing my hair, and spraying deodorant on. I went downstairs and opened the door. "You're only supposed to ring a doorbell maybe twi--" I paused.
"Trent," she breathed with a small grin.
"Vic--Victoria?" I replied, confused. "How are you? Come in." I opened the door wider to make room for her to enter. I hadn't seen her in about 3 weeks, and frankly the last time I saw her she wasn't in the proper head space.
She took a seat in the living room after leaving her shoes by the door. I poured us each a drink in the kitchen and brought them to the living room, sitting them on the coffee table in front of us and sitting next to her.
"So, how has everything been holding up?" I asked.
"Pretty well. Nathan and I are back on a talking basis and the kids are doing great." She nodded, taking a sip.
"And what about you? You look better. Healthier." I replied. Her hair was very tightly spiral curled, her makeup had been freshly done, she wore a loose peach colored graphic t-shirt, skinny blue jeans, and peach stilettos. Sweet damn.
"Yeah," she nodded. "I don't know what came over me. Well I do, but...anyway, yes everything is fine. Work is fine, everyone is happy."
"That's great to hear." I scratched my head, eyes falling to the floor. Things were awkward because of how our last interaction went. She knew I cared about her and that she could come to me for anything, it's just that we left off on a very odd note that was never addressed. She cleared her throat.
"So uh, how are you and Miracle?" She asked.
"You want to know how we are?"
"Yeah." She replied innocently.
"Well she's been back in England for nearly 3 weeks now."
"Damn it, I'm so sorry." She sighed.
"Are you?" I scoffed. She looked at me.
"Yes, I am." She rolled her eyes. "Don't flatter yourself."
"I won't."
"But I'm sorry to hear that, it was obvious how much you two had feelings for each other."
"Good thing we never got together." I sighed.
"Wait, you guys never dated or anything?"
"Not really anything serious." I said blatantly. "Just another thing that could be."
"Let me guess, Trent the lady killer got in the way again?" She smirked.
"No actually, she was understanding with the hookups since we weren't exactly together or anything. She didn't necessarily like it though, but you get what I mean." I shrugged. Victoria nodded slowly.
"That must be nice. You"
"A little bit. I don't know where we stand and another girl I could see myself loving and marrying left again, no big deal." I shrugged. She nervously bit her lip.
"Look, I'm sorry okay? I wasn't in the best position when I said the things I said. Yes, I was jealous of how you felt about her. To see you look at her the way you use to look at me. To see you...genuinely happy with another girl. I got jealous. I mean she's a beauty queen, Trent. You should have been so proud. She had this glowing energy about her and she was just...everything I wanted to be. So bad. And I was really immature for taking that out on the wrong people and not managing my feelings for you better. I apologize for all of it." She fidgeted with her fingers. I took a moment to absorb what she said.
"It's alright, I understand." Was all I could find that could put my thoughts into words. "I--I get it, I mean it was hard as hell for me to see you with Nathan for a while."
"It was?" She asked. I looked at her funny.
"Yes? I wanted to hit him every time I saw him for literally just being a good guy, Tori." I said and took a sip of my drink as she laughed.
"Man, I missed this." She sighed, resting her head on the back of the couch.
"Nice, isn't it?" I replied, turning on the tv and fireplace.
"It wouldn't be without you." She said.
"Hm?" I was confused. She looked at me with a small smile.
"Trent, you're an amazing soul. You're so caring and forgiving and so protective of the ones you love. You've been through so much but never lost who you were. I can't help but admire that." She spoke deeply as she noticed her hand had fell onto mine. She quickly took it off. I didn't know exactly how to feel about the things she was saying yet.
"Thank you." I finally uttered before clearing my throat. There was a brief silence. "I..I admire you too for overcoming all of that trauma. I'm sorry I ever made you feel that way."
"It's okay, it's not a bad thing to be happy no matter who may dislike it." She said. "Mind if I...?" She asked, picking up her drink, signaling that she wanted to get a refill.
"Yeah, yeah sure." I shrugged as she got up and went into the kitchen. Out of instinct, my eyes became glued to her hips as she got up and walked away. Damn her ass looked nice in those pants.
"They're in the same area r--" she started as she turned to talk to me and noticed my eyes were a bit lower than expected before they shot back up to her face.
"Yeah, same spot." I replied. She chuckled and turned around to return on her walk to the kitchen.
"Same old Trent." She chuckled as she left. Shortly after, she began screaming for dear life.
"Tori?" I called. She continued to scream. "Tori!" I shouted as I got up and went toward the kitchen. "What the hell is going on?!" I shouted as she screamed and jumped away from something.
"Spider!" She shouted as tears began to well up in her eyes. There was a small wolf spider minding it's business in a corner. I sucked my teeth and looked at her.
"Girl move." I rolled my eyes, grabbing a broom and knocking it down.
"Oh my gosh it's gonna spin a web on me!" She screamed and ran away. I smashed it under my shoe and cleaned up with the broom.
"Negative, drama queen." I said.
"Huh?" She called from around the corner.
"Those types of spiders don't spin a web." I rolled my eyes as I washed my hands.
"And what kind of spider was that, genius?" She put her hands on her hips as I poured her drink for her. She slowly began to walk toward me.
"It was a young wolf spider. A non-aggressive, non-lethal spider." I replied.
"Why is it called a wolf spider? It sounds plenty aggressive just by the name." She furrowed her eyebrows.
"Because when they actually do bite you their jaw strength is crazy. And the way they hunt are similar to wolves. Pretty cool." I shrugged. She smirked and stood directly to my left and she snaked her arms between mine to grab her drink, then inserted her body between me and the counter top after I moved my arm.
"And what if one were to...bite me? Would you be able to save me?" She asked, looking down to my torso and up to my lips, then back to my eyes. She had her arms propped behind her on the counter and leaned back a bit, her cleavage directly under our faces as she spoke. I tried my hardest not to stare.
"Well if they're non-lethal then there wouldn't be much saving to do, just first aid and healing." I mumbled, pursing my lips. She chuckled, staring in my eyes. As I stared back into hers, flashbacks of memories from us first meeting passed through my mind. Seeing her at the party, how goddess-like she was. Our first kiss, our first time sleeping together, our wedding, having our daughter....Would I be giving it up?
"Trent, I miss you." She said softly before taking a small sip from her drink. Our faces were extremely close as I rested my palms on the counter as well, causing my body to lean closer to hers. I looked down for a second, thinking of the right words to use.
"I...I will you Tori." I replied softly. She swallowed nervously, glancing at my lips before they softly connected with her's. It was a long, passionate kiss. Just the feel of it conveyed to me how much she missed me, and how much I missed her. How much passion was there, and how much there possibly could be. What was hardest not to notice was the same feeling we felt during our first kiss.
She parted her soft lips as my tongue slid through them, grazing at her soft tongue. I caressed her cheek with my right hand as she sucked my lips and wrapped her arms around my neck. In a quick motion, I grabbed the backs of both of her thighs and lifted her, sitting her on the counter top. I ran my hands up her thighs and up her stomach as we continued to kiss. I began to softly kiss her neck as my hands grabbed at her breasts under her bra. She sighed in pleasure. Her skin was just as soft and sweet as ever before. I used my tongue and played with the sensitive spot on her neck, used one hand to play with one of her nipples and the other to tease her outside of her pants. She began to breathe harder and slowly began to lose her self control. She put one of her legs up on the counter, fully opening her legs to me and knocking the glass onto the floor, shattering it and spilling her drink. Fuck it, I didn't even care.
"Oh my gosh, Trent," she sighed erotically.
"I'm taking you upstairs." I bit my lip and mumbled into her ear before she exclaimed worriedly and patted my shoulder frantically. I looked at her worried expression as her gaze stayed fixed past me and she tried to fix her shirt. I turned to look.
"Holy shit--" I started, speechless. Miracle was standing at the door way with her suitcase, an unreadable expression plastered across her face. I panicked, but was overcome by different emotions all at once and froze.
"I..I should--"
"Pleasure seeing you again, Trent." Miracle said softly.

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