Part Fourteen

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Was the room spinning? Why was I so hot? Why was everything so bright?

"Tori, baby I'm right here." Nathan's voice said next to me. My eyes drooped as I groaned and struggled to open them. My vision was blurry, but quickly focused. Nathan got the attention of a nurse. A young, petite nurse came in with a board. She was beautiful.

"Mrs. Davis, I'm glad to see that you're awake." She smiled.

"Ms. Drake, please." I sighed and rested my head back.

"My apologies, Ms. Drake. Do you have any recollection of current events?" She asked.

"Yeah uh, I remember getting up this morning, going to work, coming home to Nathan and our 2 girls...." I paused. Nathan sighed, holding my hand and looking to the floor. "What happened?" I asked quietly.

"You had a nervous break down and fainted from that, stress and malnutrition. You hit your head pretty bad." She explained.

"Hit my head?"

"Yes, when you hit the floor." Nathan responded. I sighed and winced as if my headache was on cue to it being mentioned.

"Where...where are the girls?" I asked.

"They're with my sister. They're okay. They were upstairs playing with their dolls when it all happened."

"Good." I sighed, getting upset.

"I'm going to get you some water and Aspirin for that headache. Are you hungry? You should probably eat, you're probably still very weak." She said and began to write.

"Sure." I said. She nodded and left the room as Nathan turned the TV on.

"Tori, I was so worried about you." He sighed and rubbed my palm.

"I'm sorry. What was I um...having a nervous breakdown about?" I asked.

"Everything...and as much as I hate to say it, a lot of it was about Trent. The rest was about Justice."

"What about Justice?"

"You went on about how you felt like you're not good enough for her and that she liked being with Trent and his new lady more after his interview today." He responded and scratched his head.i sighed.

"Look, I'm so--"

"You don't have to keep apologizing. You do have to take care of yourself." He said as a kitchen employee entered the room.

"Ms. Drake, I have a sub with ham, shredded cheese, tomato and lettuce with mustard and mayo on the side if you wanna put that on, a side salad, a bottled water and a sprite to help get your blood pressure back up there. Can I get you anything else?" She asked.

"No ma'am, thank you so much." I said as she nodded and left the room.

"I'm gonna step out to make a call." Nathan said. I nodded slightly and began to eat. I quickly felt myself store more energy and strength all over my body. I began to watch what was on the news. Some every day thing about California and it's wild fires. Shortly after, Nathan came back in. He didn't have any ease of expression.

"Trenton is on the way." He bluntly said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Victoria, face it. You're still messed up over him. You're having attacks, you're not eating. Face it; I'm a rebound. If having him here means that you'll be better, so be it." He folded his arms. I was upset, but moreso hurt. I didn't want him to feel like a rebound. But...was he? Had I just ran to the first person that spoke a few sweet words to me?

"How long?"

"He was actually in town so it should be any minute now." He said. His phone rang. "It's my sister. Be right back." He said, answering the phone and leaving again. To my surprise, Nathan and Trent greeted each other as Nathan walked out of the door.

"Tori, hey." He began as he walked in and shut the door behind him. "You feeling any better?"

"I guess so. What's next, the scolding?"

"No, I assumed it wouldn't do any good. What's next is me asking what this is all about." He rested his elbows on his knees.

"All about? I'm just in a very difficult place emotionally right now, I'll get out of it." I rolled my eyes.

"Tori, you've been through some shit. You've never let anything get you like this. Nathan hinted me on to what he thinks it is. To be fair, it didn't start until you began seeing me with a certain someone."

"If you think this is over you being with that British girl, you're wrong. I'd never let another girl make me take away from myself." I said, getting annoyed.

"I get it, calm down. I'm just stating a few things. I'm trying to help you."

"Well I don't need you or anybody's help, okay? Go be happy." I began to raise my voice and a nurse came in.

"Sir, we're going to have to ask you to come back another time. This patient needs rest and doesn't need to get worked up again." She said. Trent sighed, his head dropping to the ground before he looked at me and nodded.

"Sure. What was I thinking?" He mumbled before walking out.

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