Chapter 10: Nova

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Nova sat on the couch, scrolling through the various streaming services on the TV. She couldn't stop thinking about her nightmare. She hadn't had that one in a long time.

    Most of the time, she dreamed about the day her family died. Sometimes, it was the Battle for Gatlon, her sitting alone in the catacombs for hours, or the experiences she had while growing up in the tunnels. Her mind rarely returned to the reason she even had nightmares now.

    Being neutralized hadn't been a relief to Nova. It brought on a lot of sleepless nights, lots of crying, and things she didn't want to remember.

    On the TV, she paused on a show called The Anarchists. It was a documentary series. The description read:

Sally Church and Mark Hall dive deep into the past, trying to figure out what made the members of the feared gang 'the Anarchists' tick, interviewing people they interacted with, inspecting their belongings and places they lived, and digging deep to find out about their lives. At the end of each episode, the pair discusses what they've learned to try and figure out what made Gatlon City's most feared villains tick.

    So, this was what had happened in the last ten years. Her life had been turned into a docuseries.

    Scowling, she clicked on it. There were seven episodes, five on the Anarchists who had survived the Battle for Gatlon, one of Ace, and one on her.

    Against her better judgement, she clicked the episode titled Nightmare.

    "Last episode we researched the feared Anarchist Phobia, who is still missing to this day. This episode, we dive into the youngest known Anarchist. Nightmare," said a man, presumably Mark.

    "Not too much is known about Nightmare, at least to the general public. Eight years ago, it wasn't even known she was an Anarchist," said a women, who Nova guessed was Sally.

    "So. What are the known facts? One. She tried to assassinate Captain Chromium at the Renegades Parade," Mark said.

    A fuzzy video showed a figure in black shooting a small dart at Captain Chromium from a rooftop.

    "Two. After a failed attempt to capture Adrian Everhart, she was arrested and her identity was revealed as Nova Artino, the niece of Ace Anarchy himself," Sally said.

    "Three. She was neutralized at the public demonstration of Agent N," said Mark.

    Another video, this one of her collapsing after she lost her powers. She cringed in embarrassment.

"But what about her past? What motivated her?" said Sally.

Nova pressed the back button, shaking. She didn't want to watch a documentary on her life. Who would want to watch that, anyway?

She found an old animated movie, one that she vaguely remembered watching when she had been very young.

Nova hated those people. Making her life into some kind of show to entertain people? How fucked up was that?

(started this on the computer and finished it on my phone so the formatting is a little weird lol. and this chapter is boring i'm sorry but it'll pick up soon i promise.)

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