Chapter 16: Andrew

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"Is she  awake?" Andrew whispered to Narcissa, who was in the back seat of the car.

    "Caroline or Wildflower?" she responded.


    "Both are completely out."

    Nova licked her lips in the seat next to Andrew. "I don't know what we're going to do when Wildflower wakes up. Her power works through the mind, not through touch."

    "We can just knock her out again," he joked, but his heart wasn't in it.

    The villain had almost killed Caroline. If they hadn't arrived when they had, she would have been dead. He shuddered at the thought of returning to HQ to tell Hugh, Simon, Adrian, and Max that their niece and cousin had been murdered, and there was nothing they were able to do.

    He turned on the street that Renegades HQ was on. Adrian and the remaining members of the team were waiting for them, the council a few steps ahead of them. Wildflower was swiftly removed from the van, still unconscious.

    "Caroline, you need to go to the med center," Simon commanded, putting a hand on his niece's shoulder.

    She protested, but was lost in the crowd.

    "Where is Wildflower being taken?" Andrew asked Adrian as the crowd thinned.

    "We're going to take her to the med center. From what Nova reported, you punched her really hard. After that, she'll be taken to Craggmoor."

    "Are you sure that will keep her?"

    "We kept Ace Anarchy there for a while, and he was just about the most powerful prodigy alive."

    Andrew raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "He was old and weak. Wildflower is young and angry. And what about Inferno? What if she comes looking for her?"

    "We'll burn that bridge when it comes." Adrian grinned at his own pun. "I have to go tell Oscar that joke. You go see Caroline."

    He patted Andrew on the back and walked towards the building, going to search for his friend. Andrew watched him leave, rolling his eyes. Then, he followed him from a distance, ready to check on Caroline.

(i am so sorry for this late chapter. the last week was pretty busy, and the one day i was free, i had major writing block and worked on my other story for a while. school is out now so i will be posting for often (hopefully)! thank you for almost 900 reads and ily all)

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