Chapter 5: Adrian

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The door to the Silva-Tucker's apartment swung open. Standing in front of Adrian, Danna, and Nova was Ruby Tucker, a small baby in her arms and a wide smile on her face.

"Come in," she said, ushering Adrian and his companions inside. "So glad you could make it."

Ruby hadn't changed much over the years, personality wise. She was still as bubbly and energetic as she had been in her teen years. If anything, marrying Oscar and having two kids with him had only enhanced that.

Looks wise, she had changed it up. Five years ago, after spending lots of time and money on dying her hair, she had decided to let it grow out naturally and heal. Now, instead of black and white, her hair was back to its natural blonde. She kept it short, saying that it helped with both motherhood and patrolling.

A small boy toddled up to Adrian. "Ucle! Ucle!" He wrapped his arms around his leg.

Adrian knelt down to ruffle the boy's hair. "Well, hello there, Jackson."

Jackson Silva-Tucker was a perfect mix of both his parents. His skin was a pale brown, and his hair was dark and fluffy like Oscar, but he was sprinkled with freckles like Ruby. He had the energy and enthusiasm of his mother, and the appetite of his father. He was only 16 months old.

Danna crouched down and snuck towards Jackson, and reached out with her arms to pick him up and swing him around. He laughed, smiling widely.

Ruby had them sit down in the living room of their messy apartment, and went to go find Oscar. Before she left, she handed Adrian the baby.

Blake Silva-Tucker looked the opposite of her brother. She had her fathers skin tone, but her hair was blonde and her eyes hazel. In her hands she held a binky, which she swung around and laughed happily.

Adrian glanced at Nova. She was perched on the edge of her chair, glancing around nervously. Taking in her surroundings. He had noticed she did that the second she walked into a room.

Her eyes kept darting towards Jackson and Blake. He couldn't quite understand what she was thinking about from her gaze, but he could tell she was uncomfortable. Maybe it hadn't been the best idea to bring her. At least at home, she would've had more time to adjust. For her, today had been moving from one space to another, with new people she didn't trust.

Stop it. Why do you care? She tried to kill your dad. She would've killed you.

The logical side of his brain started reasoning with him, and he turned his attention away from Nova.

Ruby returned, Oscar in tow.

"Sorry, I was doing the dishes," Oscar said, a mischievous look on his face.

Ruby flicked his arm. "You mean, you were eating the goldfish instead of doing the dishes."

Oscar flicked her back. "Shh. Don't give away my cover."

Ruby rolled her eyes dramatically and took a seat on the couch next to Adrian, carefully taking Blake back. She turned her gaze towards Nova.

"So, how has your first few hours of freedom been?" she asked coolly.

"They've been alright," responded Nova, her tone equally as cool.

"Glad to hear it." Looking back at Adrian and Danna, she said, "Oscar said she's living with you for now."

Adrian nodded his confirmation. "That is correct."

Ruby hummed in response.

Oscar cleared his throat awkwardly. "Anyone want a drink? We have water, milk, beer and wine, but none for you, Rubes, lemonade, coffee, also none of that for you Ruby, and hot chocolate."

"I'll have a beer, thanks," Danna said. "It's been a long day."

"I completely understand. Adrian? Ruby? Nova?"

Adrian answered, "beer sounds good."

Ruby requested a glass of lemonade, and the four of them looked at Nova.

Nova looked slightly panicked. "Uh... just water please?"
Oscar nodded. "Three beers, lemonade, and water, coming right up!" He turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

"He can't carry all five of those at once," Danna muttered. "I'll go help him. You too, Adrian. He'll drop all of those drinks and you know it."

Adrian scowled, but stood up. Jackson climbed off of Danna's lap and sprawled himself across the couch, chattering to himself.

He and Danna headed towards the kitchen, where Oscar was pouring a glass of lemonade. Three beers were already on the counter, and an empty glass stood next to them, waiting to be filled with water.

"So," Oscar said in a low voice. "Is she a problem?"

"She hasn't done anything yet," Danna replied, her voice equally as low. "But it's tonight I'm worried about.

Adrian nodded in agreement. "What if she escapes? My dads would be pissed if we lost her on the first night."

Oscar opened his mouth to respond, but was broken off by the sound of shattering glass, screaming, and babies crying.

(sorry for the cliffhanger (but not really). I forgot to mention that on my bday which was a week or so ago, i got supernova so i officially have all 3 books! yay! anyway, thank you for reading, and see you friday!)

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