Chapter 10: Caroline

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Two Weeks Later

Caroline sat in a conference room, her arms crossed. Andrew and Adrian were on either side of her, while Narcissa, Oscar, and Ruby were across from them. Nova was at the head of the table, facing Leroy Flinn, formally known as Cyanide, and the only Anarchist who remained alive after the fall of Ace Anarchy.

    "Leroy," said Nova, her hands folded in front of her. "What do you know about Wildflower and Inferno?"

    Leroy's eyebrows, or at least where his eyebrows would've been if he had any, raised. "What have they done now?" he muttered under his breath.

    "So you do know them," stated Adrian.

    Leroy nodded. "I know them very well. Or, at least I used to. I haven't seen them in a while. Not since before the battle at the cathedral."

    "What can you tell us about them?" Nova asked.

    Leroy licked his lips. "Their real names are Liliana and Rosalie Scott. Liliana is seventeen, Rosalie is fourteen. Rosalie has pyrokinesis. Liliana, from when I knew her, had no powers. I suppose that's changed since the Supernova."

    "Phytokinesis. She can control plants," Caroline answered.

    He nodded slowly. "She always had a liking for plants. It makes sense."

    "What else can you tell us? Rosalie said they'd been living in the tunnels for a while," asked Nova.

    "I found the girls on the street a couple years ago. They said that there had been a gas leak in their apartment. The gas was lethal, and it killed both their parents, and their two older sisters. They said they'd found a Renegade and he'd done nothing to help them. Just left them there."

    "How come I never met them?" Nova asked.

    "I didn't want the other Anarchists to find them. Rosalie, she would've been used like you. What would've happened to Liliana... I have no idea. I wanted to protect them."

    Nova shook her head. "And I thought I knew all the Anarchist's secrets by now."

    Caroline wondered how it felt for her. She had been lied to her entire life, and now she was finding out that there had been two little girls her age in the tunnels for six years. Caroline couldn't imagine how lonely Nova must've been.

    "Do you know where they are now?" Andrew broke the silence.

    Leroy was quiet for a moment. "I might have an idea. When we were at the house, the girls returned to their old apartment to live in the remains. I don't know where it is, but if you can find it, you can find them."

    Nova nodded curtly, "Thank you, Leroy."

    The team started to stand up.


    Nova paused at the door.

    Leroy's gaze was pleading."They're feeling the same pain you were feeling, little Nightmare. Treat them kindly."

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