Chapter 12: Andrew

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"Smokescreen! Bring the rest of the team up now. We need your assistance."

Adrian's voice came out of Oscar's wristband. Andrew shot up from the chair he was sitting in and looked at the old apartment building. Flames were flickering out of one of the windows.

Oscar stood up as well and picked up his cane . "On our way," he responded, speaking into his wrist.

Ruby and Narcissa followed Andrew and Oscar out of the tent and up to the lobby of the apartment. They ran up two flights of stairs and quickly found which room the others were in.

Andrew could hear hacking coughs, and Adrian yelling out orders in order to try to get out.

Oscar went straight up to the door, and placed a hand on it. "Guys, I want you to hold your breath for as long as you can. I'm going to get rid of as much smoke as I can."

They did as he said. He closed his eyes, and Andrew watched as smoke came out from the other side of the door. Though his chest was hurting, he kept holding his breath, not eager to experience what his friends were experiencing on the other side of the door.

Oscar made the smoke disappear with a wave of his hand. Ruby took a pair of fireproof gloves and put them on. She opened the door. Inside was a mess. Fire was blazing on the inside, and Andrew could see Adrian holding a limp Nova. Danna and Caroline looked as if they were about to pass out, letting out violent coughs.

"Ruby, come with me to get water! We need to put the fire out! Andrew, Narcissa, try to get the others!" Oscar commanded.

He and his girlfriend ran off, leaving Andrew and Narcissa to figure out a way to save their teammates.

"I can turn into a bird and fly over the fire, then throw the others at you?" Andrew suggested.

Narcissa was pale. "Okay."

Andrew concentrated, and a moment later, he was a small bird that would easily be able to fly high over the fire without getting burned. He took off, soaring over the flames. He landed next to Adrian, and shifted back to human form.

"Andrew! Thank God-" Adrian started to cough. "Get Nova out of here!" He handed Nova's small body to Andrew, who took her in his arms.

"Narcissa! I'm going to throw Nova over! Be ready to catch her!" he yelled over the roaring fire.

"Wait!" she shouted back. "Water!"

Andrew stepped back. Steam hissed up as water hit the fire, and a pathway was opened enough for a human to go through. Ruby's head appeared.

"Give her to me!" she said urgently.

Adrian passed Nova to her, and she disappeared.

Danna went through next, and she went down with Narcissa. Caroline was last, aside from Andrew and Adrian, and Oscar supported her as they left.

"Anyone else?" Andrew asked Adrian.

His team leader shook his head. "Come on," he said.

Together, they left the burning room.


Andrew watched as firefighters put out the burning building. He wondered how the two villains, Inferno and Wildflower, would feel when they found out their home had burned down and they could no longer stay there. Although, from what the rest of the team had told them, Rosalie had started the fire in order for the two sisters to escape.


Andrew looked over at Adrian, who had been holding his girlfriend's hand as she was treated. She had woken up, and was blinking disorientedly.

"Wha-?" she asked, her voice rough.

"Shh, don't talk," Adrian murmured comfortingly.

As Andrew watched their gentle interaction, he wondered if he'd ever have someone to care for like that.

 (sorry about the late chapter! my friend hurt her ankle really bad and since she really liked Nightmares, i agreed to write the first two chapters of Daydreams and let her read it early (that will be out in june (hopefully)). this chapter was probably really bad and i apologize for that, i promise things will pick up soon. anyway, i'll have another chapter out on monday hopefully!)

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