Chapter 8: Andrew

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Andrew was still sitting by Caroline's bed when the rest of the team came back. He heard panicked voices, lots of coughing, and Narcissa shrieking.

    "I'll be back," he murmured to Caroline.

    He stood up and left her room. Danna was on a stretcher, unconscious, a mask over her face. Narcissa was crying. Nova was sitting up on another one, protesting to Adrian that she was fine. Adrian was saying she clearly wasn't fine, her leg was burned. Ruby was also unconscious, her body spotted with bruises. Oscar held her limp hand in his. Only Adrian looked unscathed.

    "What the hell happened?" Andrew asked, his eyes widening in astonishment.

    "Those girls kicked our asses," Adrian grumpled. "We would've lost if I hadn't made them stop."

    Hugh and Simon rushed in.

"Are you-" Hugh broke off with a gasp. "Oh, my God."

Adrian explained what had happened. "It looks like they've been training for a while. And it seemed like they were going easy on us."

Andrew bit his lip. "This isn't good."

Simon shook his head. "No, it's not. We need to figure out a response, and quickly. Do you know who Wildflower and Inferno are?"

Adrian responded, "All we know is that Inferno's name, or at least nickname, is Rosie."

"That narrows everything down," Andrew muttered.

"We also know that they lived in the tunnels, and Leroy knew them," said Nova. "I can contact him. We've been in touch for a few months now."
Hugh nodded.

"How's Caroline doing?" Adrian asked anxiously.

Everyone looked at Andrew. "She's sleeping," he said.

"Let her rest. We'll need her to help deal with these villains," Simon said.

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