Chapter 18: Nova

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Time felt as if it had stopped. Nova sat in the jail cell, waiting anxiously for her sentence. She thought about what she had learned that day.

Everything I know is a lie, she thought.
What would happen to the other Anarchists? She had covered for them, but with this new information, did she really want them roaming Galton City?

And Phobia. She wasn't sure he could be arrested. He could just escape by turning into black smoke, or paralyzing people with their greatest fear.

Whatever. It wasn't her concern.

Should I tell them about Ace? Nah, he's looking close to death anyway.

After a long, long, long, couple of hours, a guard opened her cell.

"The council wishes to see you," he said gruffly.

He handcuffed her. Outside, three more guards were waiting. Nova felt a sliver of pride that she got four guards.
They led her down the hallway and into an elevator. One of the men pushed a button, and up they went.

When it stopped, Nova was brought out into what she guessed was the council hall (I forgot what it looks like im sorry). The five council members, Thunderbird, Tsunami, Blacklight, the Dread Warden, and Captain Chromium, were sitting on their "thrones."

Nova smirked. Did they really see themselves as kings and queens? They were fighters, not politicians.

Adrian Everhart and his team stood to the side, watching her closely.

"Nova Artino," said Thunderbird. "You have been brought here today to receive your sentence."

Blacklight spoke next. "The crimes you have commited include several thefts, the purchase of illegal weapons, Anarchist assosianion, and the attemped assassination of Hugh Everhart. Do you deny any of these accusations?"

"No," said Nova.

"However, because of the information that you provided on the death of Georgia Rawles, we have decided to lessen your sentence."

Nova waited.

"10 years in Cragmoor. After the 10 years, mandatory therapy and 100 hours of community service, as well as a supervised job at Renegades Headquarters, where we can keep an eye on you," said Captain Chromium.

"And what would my sentence have been if i hadn't given you the information?" Nova asked.

"Lifetime in Cragmoor," said Tsunami.

Nova pursed her lips and nodded.

The next half-hour flew by in a blur. She was brought to a van with Cragmoor Penitentiary on the side. She sat in the back with two guards watching her every move.

When it stopped, she was brought out and escorted onto a ferry and chained to the seat.

"What did this one do?" asked the ferryman.

"A lot, she's an Anarchist," said the guard.

The ferryman nodded. "Well, dearie, hope you enjoy your stay."

The two men laughed, and she scowled.

The boat started up, crossing the island. Nova watched as the sun set over the Gatlon City skyline.

(that was the last chapter of Nightmares! hope you enjoyed it!)

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