Chapter 19: Rosalie

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Roise's storm on Renegades Headquarters had been a complete success. Not only had she rescued her sister, but they had destroyed HQ and took out dozens of Renegades. They were weak. The council had sent everyone on break. Now, they only had the council members looking for them. The number had dropped from hundreds to four in one strike.

    A part of Rosie felt uneasy. People were dying. But as Lily would say, it was a price that came with revenge. She often stuffed that traitorous part down into the bottom of her soul, ignoring it completely.

    The rest of her was proud. She and her sister had done what the Anarchists had failed to do. What Ace fucking Anarchy had failed to do. They were making the Renegades crumble.

    And, Aftershock, the Renegade who had rejected them, had finally met his end.

    Lily's next plan was a risky one. But then again, all their plans were all risky. Rosie storming into HQ had definitely been risky, and that hadn't even been planned.

    She and her sister were creeping through the streets, quietly and carefully. Although it was past midnight, they never knew who was out looking. Any council member could be out. They had to be cautious.

    When they finally reached the Mayor's Mansion, Rosie smiled. This plan, to take out the Everharts, Westwoods, and one remaining Artino was almost guaranteed success. Once the most powerful families were wiped out, the rest of the council would be easy. The Renegade organization would collapse with no leadership.

    Rosie and Lily would finally be able to rest. They could feel content knowing that the people responsible for their hellish lives were gone. They could leave Gatlon City, find somewhere to live the rest of their days. It was a pleasant thought.

    But they weren't there yet. They had to get past this plan first.

    She watched as Lily used her vines to break the device that admitted people into the property. Once it was deactivated, the lock on the gate unlocked. It opened with a creak.

    Once they were in, Lily beaconed for Rosie to go to the right. She would go to the left and do her best to collapse the house, just like she had done to Headquarters.

    On Rosie's side, she created a fire inside the house. It was a fire hot enough to burn quickly. It wouldn't burn Lily's vines. They were going to work together to destroy the mansion and the people in it. She smiled as she watched it spread throughout the room, quickly burning everything.

    She wondered how long it would take to get to the humans within. How long it would take for them to start screaming in pain, for them to die. Soon enough, this house would be just a shell, a memory of the privileges those in charge had.

    Rosie smiled as she heard someone begin to shout.

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