poe dameron | someone who loves you

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Melonhead15 wrote a poe dameron x reader set in the tfa torture scene and so i decided to also do that, ya know, because i love pain and 1 resistance pilot <3 ; 1.3k words

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No matter what they tried, they could not break him. For years, he had been prepared for this. Torture was something he always had to expect when he was captured. But this was real, and he realized that no amount of training could have prepared him for this.

But they couldn't break him. He was a rebel at heart. The droids they sent in couldn't get an answer out of him. They wanted to know the location of the map to Luke Skywalker, and Poe Dameron would not budge. Electrocution, probing, whatever it was --- he would remain silent until all he could do was scream, then they would stop and move on to the next tactic.

He was trained for this, he would remind himself weakly. He would repeat it every time a new stormtrooper and a different droid entered his cell.

Eventually, it wasn't a droid that came in, but Kylo Ren. They'd officially run out of options. Poe tried not to be scared, imagining what it would look like if he managed to survive this torture too and his girl would run into the room, eyes blazing with anger, weapon ready. Kylo Ren wouldn't stand a chance.

Poe's heart ached with homesickness. That was another thing training couldn't prepare him for; leaving you behind on Jakku, not knowing if he'd ever see you again. They'd kill him after this, whether they got the information or not.

"I had no idea we had the best pilot in the Resistance on board. Comfortable?"

He glared at him with bloodshot eyes. "Not really."

"I'm impressed." He approached slowly. "No one has been able to get out of you what you did with the map."

"You might want to rethink your technique."

Kylo Ren raised his hand. As Poe stared at the center of his palm, he felt a strange pull. It was different than anything he had ever felt before. It was a pain that couldn't be described; an aching behind a fresh bruise, a shock through your nerve, a sharp pain behind your eyes, all at once. He sat up slightly in the interrogation chair, clenching his hands into fists and gritting his teeth. He grunted and his head flew back against the headrest.

"Where is it?" Kylo Ren asked impatiently.

"The Resistance..." he licked the sweat off of his lips and looked at him, "will not be intimidated by you."

Kylo Ren pushed his hand forward. Poe's head flew back again. He brought it right back up, leaning in close to him. He shook his head as he fought, desperately trying to think of anything except for Jakku and BB-8. He thought of Leia, of his own parents, of his friends, of his favorite cantina, and finally, he thought of you. You gave him the most strength. Every embrace, every laugh, every kiss, every moment between the two of you. He regretted them as soon as he thought about them. Kylo saw them all.

"Where. Is. It?" He tilted his head. "Do I need to pay your friend here a visit?"

His eyes flashed with anger. "No," he grunted. "Stay --- stay away from her!"

"Then give. Me. The. Map."

Poe screamed. The pain was blinding. It was completely unbearable. His body shook, his face was pouring with sweat, his eyes with tears, and he caved. With a scream, he surrendered all of his memories. Kylo Ren pulled back, leaving him heaving against his restraints, gasping for air and relief.

"Very good," Kylo Ren said. "A BB-8 unit that is still on Jakku. That girl was left behind with it? I guess I'll find both of them."

A spew of curses left Poe's lips. He collapsed on the back of the chair. Kylo turned on his heels and left, letting the door shut behind him.

Nothing could have prepared him for that. Now, completely helpless, he was at the mercy of chance. There was a chance Kylo Ren would never find you or BB-8. There was a chance the two of you would find a way back to base, give the map to Leia, find Luke Skywalker, and defeat the First Order. He only wished he could be there to see it.

There was a chance you would be alright. Every part of him screamed that you wouldn't be, but he clung to the tiny bit of hope, and he pictured what it would be like to see you at the end of the war, celebrating the defeat of the First Order. His heart ached but he was able to close his eyes and rest.

"Hey, flyboy. Force, look what they did to you. Open your eyes. Hey! Look at me."

His eyes peeled open slowly. It was agonizing to turn his head. Your face was blurry in front of him. Slowly it came into focus, and he could feel your fingertips ghosting over his cheeks. Your lips curled upward as he opened his eyes more.

"Hey, gorgeous," he murmured, his brows furrowing. Jeez, he must be really out of it to be imagining you this closely.

"Hey there, brown eyes," you said, pushing a stray curl off his forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"Not good." He swallowed. As his vision cleared, he realized that this wasn't at all a hallucination. "How did you..."

"I followed you on one of the transports," you said, stroking his face lovingly. "Risked it all to find a way to the interrogation cells. I wish I had gotten here sooner..."

"No," he whispered. "No, he'll find you and --- and he already knows about you. He'll hurt you, baby, you've got to go."

"Okay," you said calmly. "We're going together. Just let me get you out of these things."

As your fingers worked at the controls on the restraints, he watched your face. You were so brave and so unbelievably beautiful, and he was torn between being ashamed and happy to see you. He wanted you to get as far away from Kylo Ren as possible, but at the same time, this was what he wanted, wasn't it? For you to save him.

"I gave up the location of the map," he said.

You paused, but you didn't react. "I know."

"You know?"

"I figured," you corrected yourself. "I don't think they'd leave you alone unless you did. They were going to torture you 'til you broke."

"Well, it worked," he whispered. "I broke. You know what did it for me? He kept talking about you. Forcing his way into my mind. He saw you. I tried to stop it, but he saw you and he... he said he was going to find you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry---"

"No." You put your hands on his face. "No. Poe Dameron, you fought as hard as you could. You survived. Please don't do this. Okay?"

He shut his eyes as he nodded. His voice was a weak whisper. "Okay."

"I love you. I love you so much." Your lips touched his; his lips tasted of blood and sweat. Your heart hurt and you hurriedly went back to work on the controls.

"I love you, too, gorgeous," he said. He watched you.

"Just hang in there a minute, baby. I'll---"

Suddenly, the cell doors opened. You turned quickly, a gasp leaving you. Your blaster was up and raised and your hand was on his leg as you took a protective stance in front of him. You were ready to fight to the death to protect him.

But the stormtrooper dropped his blaster and raised his hands. As the cell doors shut behind him, he declared, "Wait! This is a rescue."

You didn't lower your blaster. "What?"

"I said this is a rescue. Please --- please, put that weapon down. I want to help you both get out of here." He reached up and took his helmet off. Slowly, you put down your weapon as you stared into the terrified, innocent eyes of a boy only slightly younger than you. "My name is FN-2187, and I'm here to rescue you." 

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