poe dameron | edge of the galaxy

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does every author's note of mine start with me saying i'm very in love with a star wars guy? well, i'm very in love with a star wars guy; 1.5k words

oh--- also, make sure y'all send in plenty of requests for may the 4th! i hope to update a few times to celebrate!

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Truly, you could only blame Leia for this happening. She had sent you and Poe on a mission to Batuu, located at the very edge of the Outer Rim, on a three week long trip. Three weeks of scouting the interesting city all alone together had given you and Poe far too much time to think. You were asking about what he wanted out of the future, expecting him to say something cheesy but justified, like peace across the galaxy or justice for everyone hurt by the First Order. Instead, he stared straight ahead out of the viewport, looking at the rocky mountains in the distance, and he caught you completely off guard. 

"Hm... what do I want out of the future?" He drummed his fingers against his knee, exhaled slowly, and then said, "Honestly... I'd say you."

"Huh---" Your head snapped to the side and you widened your eyes. Completely caught off guard, your lips twitched into an amused smile. "What did you just say?"

Looking over at you, he said, "I said you." 

You laughed. During the year you and Poe had been dating, you'd experienced plenty of cheesy flirting. Some of it was teasing and he made a joke out of it. As much as what he said send your heart into a frenzy, you rolled your eyes, passing it off as a joke. "Why would you say that?" 

"Because it's true!"

"Poe. No jokes. I really want to know what you want your future to look like! Come on --- I'm being serious." 

He turned in the pilot's seat. "And so am I. Look, these last few days have been so boring --- and I love you, honey, don't forget that --- but they've been so boring and slow, and it's making me realize how much I like days like this. I want to have more of them with you. One day, when the war is over and we're finally able to have normal days, I want every single one of them to be with you."

The smile slowly disappeared off your face as the atmosphere changed. He reached over, stroking the side of his pointer fingers across your jaw in a quick movement. 

"You're really just the easiest to fall in love with, aren't you?" you muttered. 

His laughter filled the cockpit, combining with yours as he leaned in to kiss you softly. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting your fingers brush against his hair. As you broke the kiss, he brushed the tip of his nose against yours. 

"Just how easy am I to fall in love with?" he said. You pulled away from him, bemused, and he raised his eyebrows. "Easy enough to marry me, maybe?" 

"If you're messing with me, Dameron, I---" 

"I'm not," he laughed. "I'm not. I am honestly in love with you and if marriage is how I can guarantee all of those boring days I'm looking for, then I'm diving right into it. But only if you want the same, obviously."

"Poe, I love you more than I knew I could ever love someone," you said. "I'd marry you today if I could."

 The bright idea must've popped into both of your minds at the same time, because you both grinned like fools. He quickly stood up from the pilot's seat just as you did, grabbing each other's hands.

"We could go see if they're selling a white dress or something at the markets," he said. 

"I'm sure we could find someone to marry us." 

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