anakin skywalker | you're breaking my heart

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i watched episode iii today and was reminded once again how it's one of the best movies in the entire saga!!!; 1.1k+ words

(dedicated to jarvisdropmyneedle07 who wanted a platonic!Anakin x Reader ... of course i accidentally went the angst route as i watched rots so i'll have a more lighthearted one at a later date)

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He had begged you to stay away. He had begged for you not to come. If it was dangerous for Anakin to be there, it was dangerous for you. You were too confused in your training, torn between wanting to support your friend on his path and wanting to do what was right and follow the Jedi way. Seeing your master confront the Chancellor would only confuse you further.

But the fear inside of you made you disobey your orders. Mace Windu, your Master who was more of a father to you than anyone else ever had been, was in grave danger. You rushed to his rescue, unsure of what was happening. All you knew was the fear, anger, hate, and evil that you sensed in that room.

As you dashed up the steps, you wondered what the future would hold. If the Chancellor was truly a Sith lord, if the Jedi were truly under attack... how would they survive this? The Chancellor was the Senate. He held too much power. You could finally see how every aspect of him played into this evil plan of destroying the Jedi. It made your feet move a little bit faster and your stomach hurt.

You burst through the double doors. Your hair blew back with the wind of the shattered window standing behind them. The Chancellor was on his back, trembling as your Master stood over him, lightsaber pointed at his chest. There was a heaviness in the air, accompanied by the smell of burnt skin and hair. And Anakin was standing off to the side, pleading for the Chancellor's life.

"Master Windu," you said. You strode across the room to stand next to Anakin. He looked at you pleadingly. "Anakin? What---"

"Help... me..." croaked the Chancellor. His face was scarred and grey. "Please, I am so weak..."

"You're too dangerous to be left alive!" your Master shouted in response.

"No! ___, we cannot let him kill him," Anakin said. "It isn't fair. Surely you see that!" His voice rose with anger. "The Chancellor deserves a chance at trial!"

As you surveyed the three, you searched your feelings for what was right. You did not care about the Chancellor. You never trusted him. It was your Master that you cared for. Your father, your mentor. He would never steer you away from the truth. And Anakin, your best friend. The one that entrusted you with all of his secrets and feelings. You knew how afraid he constantly was.

"But... he is the Senate," you said, eyebrows furrowing. As you spoke, you could've sworn you saw the Chancellor smile. "He wouldn't be condemned for his crimes."

"He must be killed," your Master said.

"No!" Anakin exclaimed. "We will take him into custody."

"He's too dangerous to be left alive," you said. "Anakin, I know that this is awful, but this is a Sith lord. He's evil. He's going to destroy us all if he's allowed. He's in a position of power and this is too dangerous---"

Anakin's eyes changed as they looked at you. He was angry, so angry that you stepped away from him in fear for your own life. Your hand touched your lightsaber by instinct. "No! You're turning against me. Don't you care? Don't you know? I need him."

"Anakin," you whispered. "Anakin, what are you doing? It's me."

It was like he could no longer see you. All he could see was his wife and his desperation to save her. You were of no use to him anymore. You could not save Padme. You could not change what he saw in his dreams. You did not matter.

"Anakin, stand back from her!" Windu threatened. "Your anger---"

The Chancellor let out a low laugh, his eyes gleaming with pride as he saw his soon-to-be-apprentice approach you quickly. He pulled out his lightsaber and you shook your head, silently begging him not to try anything. As Anakin was distracted by his hatred for you, your Master brought down his own lightsaber onto the Chancellor. But Anakin responded quickly, whirling around and leaping into the air, a roar of anger escaping him. You watched with horror as Windu's hand was sliced from his body. The Chancellor laughed triumphantly and sat up. Lightning sparked from his fingers, hitting your Master.

"Master, no!" you screamed, running to his aid. As you reached for him, he was blown out of the window and far, far below into the city. "Master!"

You sobbed loudly in shock, staring down at where he had fallen. You couldn't see him. You couldn't sense him. Behind you, the Palpatine chuckled under his breath.

"What have I done?" Anakin cried out. "What have I done?"

"Very well, my young apprentice," Palpatine said. He stood up onto his feet. Slowly, you turned, tears falling down your cheeks. "Now. Kill her."

Anakin raised his head. "What?"

"I said kill her."

You knew that he would. As you looked down on your best friend, your best friend that had just killed your Master, you saw him for what he truly was. A boy filled with too much hate, too much anger, and too much fear. He was selfishly chasing for a promise of Padme's survival, and he was ready to kill anyone that stood in his way. Including you.

"I won't give you that satisfaction," you whispered. You backed up towards the shattered window. Glass crunched beneath your feet.

"___." Anakin stood. "Please. You can join me. The Chancellor can teach you powers no Jedi has been able to know. It could be ours. Everything could be ours. Padme could live---"

"You truly think Padme would want this?" you whispered.

"I must save her," he said. "And I must save my child."

"By killing others? By killing my Master? Attacking me?" You shook your head. "You've broken my heart. I have watched you turn from my best friend and brother to someone I cannot bear to look at. Obi-Wan was wrong about you. I was wrong about you."

His eyes filled with tears. His lip quivered. "Neither of you understand. Padme will live if I follow this path. I have to do what is best for my wife---"

"Anakin, Padme will hate you for this. If she learns... you will end up alone. Even if the Chancellor tells you the truth when he says he can save her. She won't want to be with you." You took one final step until your heels hung off the side of the window. "And neither do I."

"___!" he yelled. He stood up quickly and reached for you with outstretched arms as you let yourself fall backwards.

You let yourself fall, knowing that even dying would be a better fate than being left in the hands of two Sith. Anakin was gone. Your brother was gone.

Your eyes shut so you wouldn't see the boy that broke your heart look down at you as you fell. 

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