han solo | giving me the creeps

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just a halloween-ish/spooky themed star wars imagine to start off this book <3

i'll be working on requests for this book today!! watch out for a couple of updates

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"You're telling me that someone wants to meet with us in the middle of the woods?" you asked, climbing over another fallen tree trunk that was nearly as tall as you. 

Han jumped off of it with ease. "That's right, kid." 

You shook your head as your feet plopped down on top of the mossy ground below. It was squishy, and with every step, muddy water bubbled up to the surface. 

"Stars," you said, lifting your boot, seeing the mud stick to it, stretching as it was pulled off of the moss. "It's disgusting here. Givin' me the creeps." 

"Hey," Han said, turning and giving you a look of pure annoyance. "Complain a little more, why don't ya?" 

"I'm not complaining," you said defensively, "just making a comment." 

"You're complaining. I know this ain't your typical place, but just trust that I know what I'm doing and that what I'm doing is getting us a few more credits to make it through the next few weeks." He sounded tired - not physically, but emotionally. 

You didn't reply, you just strayed behind him a little, struggling to step off of the sticky moss and mud every so often. The trip was mostly silent except for the squishy sounds of the ground and the bubbling noises of a body of water somewhere nearby.

It was getting increasingly more difficult for you to walk the further in you went. Every step was a struggle now, and with the suddenly thick, humid fog clinging to your skin, it was hard to see and breathe. You stepped off of the mud placed your foot back down on the ground, realizing a second too late that you had stepped onto the ledge of a muddy, but small, cliffside. 

You yelped as you slipped down, the heels of your boots digging into the mud and your back colliding with the soft brown. You rolled at the bottom of it, your fall stopping abruptly as your front rammed into the heavy side of another fallen tree trunk. 

You yelped and groaned in pain, touching your bottom lip. Pulling your hand back, you could see that your fingertips were bloody. Great, it was busted.

You got up slowly, your clothes sticking to the mud. Palms flat on the tree trunk, you gasped for breath and then looked around. 

Wait - when was the last time you'd seen or heard Han?

"Han?" you asked, your voice breaking through the silence. "Han, where are you?" 

No answer. Somewhere in the distance, a bird-type creature chirped.

You swallowed hard. "Han?" you shouted now.

You started to take a step, and you saw your foot sinking in deeper. The mud had taken in your ankle now. You gasped and hugged the trunk of the tree as your legs were swallowed.

Your chest started to rise and fall quickly, your shoulders moving up and down, up and down, with panicked breaths.

"Oh, Force - Han! Han-!"

"___!" You looked up to see him at the edge of the drop, looking down. "Whoa-"

"Don't fall! Whatever this stuff is, it sucks you in," you said. You gripped the tree trunk in front of you tight.

"Oh - I gotta do something." He looked around. 

"Please hurry!" you cried. Panic rose up inside of you. 

"___, listen to me," he said, voice serious. You looked up at him with watery eyes. "Stay still and hold on. Don't panic. I-I'm gonna find somethin' to get you out of there. I promise."

You nodded, tears spilling onto your cheeks. You were so scared, but his words sent a flutter in your heart that poured a rush of warm comfort over you. Han wasn't going to let anything happen to you. Sometimes he was mean with his comments, but deep inside, he cared about you in a way no one else did.

"Hurry!" you cried softly. 

"Hang on tight!" he said, jogging off.

You did; pressing your fingers so hard against the trunk that it cut into the tips of them. The mud was up to your waist now, sucking you in deeper and deeper.

But Han came back quickly, a large branch in his hands. He jumped from the edge into the pit, landing on the trunk. You held your breath as he nearly fell off of the trunk. He regained his balance and then held out the trunk to you. 

"Grab on tight, I'll pull you out," he said. 

You looked at him and then let go off the trunk. Gasping in fear, you hurriedly took the branch into your hands and let him pull you up. The mud was sticking to you.

But Han pulling worked enough so that he could stoop down, hook his arm under yours, and pull you up and out of the mud. You held on tight to his shoulders, feeling the relief of becoming free as your feet found the solid surface of the trunk. You looked up at him, gasping in the air.

"I got you, I got you," he was saving over and over again, trying to reassure you. He wrapped his arm around your waist and looked down. "You're safe now." 

You nodded, not yet trusting your voice to betray you. Your throat was tight with full blown tears on the verge of spilling. 

You would be called a coward for it, but you could never get used to being put in life-threatening situations. There would never be a time when you would be used to the strangest events happening and the rush of realization that this could be it.

"Hey, kid," Han said, "I got you out of there fine. You're okay."

You nodded. "I know. It's just... it's so scary here." 

"Yeah," he said. He let go of your waist and took your hand instead. You tightened your grip on it as he started to slowly move across the trunk. "Come on, I'll help you out and we'll get back to the Falcon."

"What about the money?" you asked. 

"You almost died and you're worried about the money?" he asked. He dropped your hand, put his hands on your waist, and hoisted you up onto the edge. 

You pulled yourself up and then, sitting on your knees, leaned down to grab Han's hand and help him up. 

"We almost die all the time," you said. "When has that ever stopped us?" 

"You almost died today," he said, pulling himself up, "and I am not gonna risk anything else happening to you on this creepy planet."

You smiled, your heart doing that thing again. 

His eyebrows furrowed. "What? What'd I say?" 

You leaned forward, making fists around the front of his shirt. You yanked him forward and planted your lips on his for a long second. His eyes closed and his hands touched your shoulders and face. 

An odd sound coming from the trees nearby made him pull away from you. He got up on his feet and pulled you up with him, putting an arm around your shoulders. 

"More kissing on the Falcon, got it? Let's get out of here!"

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