request page (version 2)

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i am going on vacation three weeks from today, and it is about this time that i open up requests for y'all before i leave! these requests will be written before i leave and published during the week of june 27th - july 5th, when i will be at walt disney world.

you can comment your request or message me privately! i take requests for all the same characters (as before mentioned in my previous request page) and as always, i do not write smut. you can request as many times as you'd like, but please know that a request is a request and won't always be written, although i try my best to get everyone's out to them.

and of course, like always, if y'all are gonna be there those days, i would be happy to meet you! i have met tons of you at disney before and it is always so fun :-)

happy requesting! can't wait to read all that you guys come up with. ♡


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