be with me | obi-wan kenobi

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a few of you wanted some obi content so here!!! i deliver!!!


Since the death of your best friend, Padme, life had been hard.

You'd been forced to live on your own. Your three best friends were gone: Padme. Anakin. Obi-Wan.

One dead, among the stars.

One not dead, but not here. It pained you to think of Anakin in that soulless black uniform, his once kind face covered as if he was some type of monster.

And then your Obi-Wan, the forbidden love of your life. You had never gotten the chance to tell him all that he meant to you. Perhaps he already knew, but it did not matter. You were Jedi, and love was forbidden.

And you were glad you did not act on your feelings, because you often thought of Padme and Anakin, and how she passed away seconds after delivering her precious twins, and how Anakin lie burning at the bottom of a cliff, with a broken Obi-Wan forced to watch.

Before Obi-Wan had disappeared on Tatooine to watch over the child, you held him as he sobbed. That was the last memory you had with him.

A little over nineteen years later, you were much older. Your hair was barely beginning to grey. And you had come out of hiding because you were called to guide Princess Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker through their quest to end the Empire once and for all.

"You knew my father," Luke said, following you around his ship.

"Correct," you said, pulling down your hood. "And your Master."

Luke was amazed. "You're the Jedi woman that fought beside him! He spoke of you often."

"Did he?" you asked, lips twitching. "Hard to imagine that."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

You turned to look at him. "To hear of your experiences with my old friend, after we've been apart for so long. I can't even imagine what he must've looked like when he met you. He must've looked different..."

"He looks much older than you do, I'll give you that much," Luke said, and you laughed.

"He was ten years older than me," you explained. Your face fell. "I guess I should have always known that I would be without them all one day."

"Master Kenobi speaks to me often," Luke said.

"He guides you, young Skywalker," you said, and in his eyes, you saw the reflection of his father. "As will I. Come. We must face the Emperor before it is too late."


By the grace of the Force, Luke was not afraid. His father brought both you and him to the Emperor. You did not speak. You did not look at Anakin.

But you saw the glances he was stealing towards you, and you felt his tormented soul. He wanted to turn.

But he would not allow it.

Before the Emperor's throne, you stood. Beside your student. Beside your old friend.

"Master," Anakin said, and he bowed.

"Ah, you have brought me two great prizes," Palpatine praised. "One, I expected. One, I did not."

"I decided it was time to surprise you," you said, "and show you that I am very much alive still."

"Yes," he said, drawing out his s, his tongue poking out of his teeth. He reminded you of a serpent, and you were repulsed. "Here you are. Master Skywalker. And Master ___."

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