din djarin | wander

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just a din imagine i thought of bc i'm very in love; 1.1k+ words

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In the dead of night, it's easy for Din's mind to wander. The nights are quiet on board Slave I. There isn't much to say. The odd group of Fennec, Boba Fett, Din, and you were lost on what to do next. More accurately, Din was lost on what to do next. The kid was finally reunited with a Jedi. Boba had unfinished business on Tatooine and Fennec would follow him loyally. All they were waiting on was Din to make up his mind.

He absolutely did not want to go to Mandalore. He was not ready. The responsibility of the darksaber in his possession was too much. He had just lost the Child after finally defeating their greatest threat, and now he was being expected to keep the darksaber and use it to restore peace to the home of his people.

Unable to sleep on the thin pallet on the floor any longer, he slowly got up. He didn't want to disrupt your quiet sleep. You were so exhausted.

He didn't particularly want to talk to Fennec or Fett, so he avoided the cockpit. He settled for standing on the other side of the ship, underneath the bright white fluorescent overhead. It had been a long time ago since he had last been afraid of the dark. Now, the fear was back to haunt him.


He flinched. "Go back to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you."

"I was barely asleep," you said. He heard you shuffle off the bed the two of you shared on the floor. You slowly walked over to him, crossing your arms across your chest. It was freezing. "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I can't," he whispered. In the dim white light overhead, he looked at you. You rubbed his arm as your eyebrows pulled together in concern. "Too much on my mind."

"I understand," you said. "It's hard for me to sleep, too."

Suddenly it wasn't his stresses at the front of his mind, but the wonderings of what yours were. He felt like he struggled daily to take your troubles from you and carry them all on his own. If you were weighed down, then he wasn't doing his job as your partner. He liked to see you sleeping well. He liked to see you smile. But now as he looked at you, he could see how tired you truly were. No amount of sleep could erase what kept your mind awake.

His fingers brushed your jaw gently as he turned. "What troubles you?"

"Wondering if you're alright," you whispered. You searched his face as you cupped his cheek. "I can see the hurt in your eyes that's been there since Grogu left. You miss him."

"Of course I do," he mumbled. "But I'm happy for him. The kid... he needed to be with people that understood him."

You gave him a sad smile. "Din, you understood him. No matter where he is, you're still his father. That's what troubles me. You think you're not good enough. I can see it when I look at you. It weighs you down. You just don't see that no matter where your son is, he is still your son. No matter where you came from, you are still a Mandalorian. And no matter if you keep the helmet on or not, you're still worthy of holding that darksaber. You won it through beating Moff Gideon. That was no easy task. In my eyes, you are more than good enough. No matter where we go from here, everything is going to be okay. I have you to lean on. You have me to lean on. That's all we ever needed before. Nothing's really changed, Din."

Of course, that wasn't true. A lot of things had changed since he first got together with you. It felt like a lifetime had passed since he was just a Mandalorian constantly stopping by to see you on Nevarro. He had felt like he was breaking so many rules then. Now, after having finally shown you his face in a room with all of the friends that came together to save Grogu's life, after being made the leader of Mandalore without wanting to be, after losing the Razor Crest and having to figure out what to do next, he was a new man.

But then you looked at him like that, and he was somehow the exact same as he was all that time ago.

"How did I get so lucky in this universe to find you?" he mumbled. His eyes grew teary when you stroked his cheek. He would never get used to the feeling of your touch against his face.

"I wish I had all of the answers," you said, your smile growing.

"You do seem to have most of them."

"Yes," you said, "I'd argue that I do. Mostly, I think that I just know you."

The love he felt for you was apparent on his face. He turned his head and kissed your palm, gently grabbing your wrist and pulling it away from his cheek. He let it drop on his shoulder and then wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in closely. "That you do."

His lips met yours and for a long moment, the two of you kissed sweetly. Your eyes shut, but you really didn't want to keep them closed. Now that you could finally see him, you never wanted to look away. So after the two of you broke apart, you went back to holding his face in your hands, studying every feature of him until he finally smiled and kissed you again.

"How did I get so lucky?" you murmured against his lips.

"I love you," he said. He kissed you once more.

"I love you, too," you said. "And hey, things aren't going to be easy. But they've never been easy for us. Whatever the future holds, we'll go through it together. Whether you end up being the ruler of Mandalore or we go far away for the rest of our lives, I'll be right by your side. Never will you be alone."

"I know," he said. "Come on, let's lay back down."

"Okay." Moving back to the pallet on the floor, settling in the darkness and silence, it was easy for Din's mind to wander. But this time it didn't wander on thoughts of not being good enough. It wandered to thoughts of how good it was to have you with him, and how you would never think he wasn't good enough. All that mattered to him was what you thought of him. And so long as you held him throughout the night like this, he would know what you thought of him. It was in the way you looked at him. And it was in the way you waited to fall asleep until you knew he was already dreaming. 

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