din djarin | mother

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my good friend jarvisdropmyneedle07 drew me the sweetest art for my valentine this year. i'm not much of an artist in the same way, so this is my own form of a valentine to you. happy belated valentine's day, my friend <3 

Being a mother never crossed your mind, not really

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Being a mother never crossed your mind, not really. When you chose to help the Mandalorian escape near-death with the Child and flee Nevarro, you didn't do so thinking that you'd soon have a life full of spit-up and long, sleepless nights with a whiny baby in your arms.

But it fit you.

Surprisingly, the role fit you.

You fell into the swing of it quickly. You were up early to feed the baby, you were laying it down for naps at the same time every afternoon, you were teaching it the names of all of its surroundings, you were bouncing it on your knee to keep it from annoying Din while he piloted the Razor Crest, and you comforted it when it needed love.

While it wasn't what you signed up for, you loved it. You weren't a glorified babysitter, you often told yourself. No, you were a mother.

Even if the rest of your crew might just see you as a glorified babysitter.

It was a slow, quiet morning. Din had just stopped for fuel on Tatooine and now it was time to take it easy on your journey forward. You'd had a lot of close calls and dangerous contacts recently, and the Empire was only growing more intent on getting the Child back. Din thought it was best to lay low, and you had to agree.

As you sat in the seat behind Din, you braided your hair. Your mind was elsewhere as your fingers wove the three locks into a soft twist. A soft coo from your left brought you out of your thoughts. It was accompanied by the tiny pinch of the Child's hand as he yanked at your pant leg, begging for your attention.

"Oh, what is it, little one?" you said.

He tilted his head and let out a low whine. His little bottom lip stuck out in a pout that made you smile as your heart fluttered.

"Aw, I see. Is the little baby hungry?" You scooped the Child up into your arms and laid him across your lap. He giggled as you poked his sides. His tiny green hands wrapped around your fingers and brought them to his mouth. "I think so."

"He just ate an hour ago," Din said, not looking back at you. His fingers grazed the controls in front of him before he leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well, he's a growing boy," you said. "Aren't you, kiddo?"

"He's going to eat all the food that we have left," Din said, turning his head. "He can wait a bit to eat. We're in too tight of a spot to keep stopping at every planet to refuel and restock our supplies."

The Child whined and looked up at you with those big brown eyes. They blinked, all teary and wide, waiting for you to give in. Expecting you to give in. It nearly broke your heart that you actually agreed with the Mandalorian for once.

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