luke skywalker | sunshine

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1.5k words; requested by mrsobiwankenobi

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He was sitting next to the brook, cross-legged, his hands on his knees, his back straight as an arrow. You approached him very slowly, the mossy ground soft beneath your boots, the springtime air fresh and new. He was focused very hard on his mediation. Typically, you felt guilty to disturb him when he was spending time with the Force, but you found it hard to care today. The joy and excitement you felt made you want to scream, but it was wrong to celebrate without telling your husband first. 

Luke's neat blond hair was all you could see as you walked around the water and in front of the quiet, rushing water. Stones hovered around him. As you neared, they lowered closer to the ground and further away from him.

"I know you're there. You're making it very hard to meditate," his voice rang out, carrying in the breeze.

"I was hoping I would." You smiled as you crossed the brook, skipping across the stones. He met you halfway, leaning off the bank of the brook and reaching out a hand. You took it, eyes on him as you stepped out of the water. 

"Did you come out here to meditate with me?" 

"I did not," you said. Keeping both of your hands in his, the two of you sat in the moss across from one another. "I came to annoy you." 

He laughed. "Annoy me?" 

"It's what I'm best at, isn't it?" 

"I would hardly call it annoying me. You know I'm sort of fond of your company, even if it means you're interrupting my meditation and study." His fingers waved slowly in the air, pulling a bright purple wildflower from the roots. The Force guided it to his hand. You could only smile as he placed it in the space behind your ear. "Something troubles you." 

You sighed. Your ever-so-intuitive husband. "I'm not troubled, Luke. I just have something to tell you." 

"But everything's alright, isn't it?" 

"Yes, everything's fine," you assured him. At your reassurance, your sunshine of a husband smiled ever brighter. "In fact, I just sent the children to their rooms to study for the next half hour just so I could talk to you. Not because it's something bad, Luke, but because it's something so wonderful." 


"Do you remember when Leia had Ben?" you asked. "The second we looked at that perfect little boy in your sister's arms, we were in love. All we said we wanted was a little one of our own. Well..." 

His eyebrows raised. "Are you...?" 

"I am," you said. As you spoke, you came to realize that everything you had wanted for such a long time was coming true. "I found out just this morning, but I felt like I knew it last night. I even dreamed of our own little one. But it's everything we've dreamed of, Luke. We have a little baby on the way." 

He shook his head slowly as you gushed about your child, his grin growing even more impossibly brighter. His arms went around you and you both embraced as he exclaimed, "Oh, I love you!"

"I love you," you whispered, face turned upward toward the sun. It was as warm as the love inside of you. "Are you happy?" 

"I've never been happier," he assured you. His hands grabbed your shoulders tightly and he moved quickly onto his knees. "Oh, just wait 'til we tell Han and Leia! I've got to send a transmission right away. Just think of what Han will say. Me and him... both of us fathers? Never in the galaxy would we have pictured this." 

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