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Not bothering to check over my X-Wing or even change out of my uniform, I sprinted over to watch the ship I knew and loved land. The Falcon's hatch opened and out walked my father. The notorious Han Solo had been so absent in my life and had let me down so many times, but all the resentment and anger felt towards him melted away as I dashed over. 

"Dad!" I yelled and nearly everyone who was nearby turned to watch as the two of us met and embraced. 

"Hey, kiddo! I've missed you." 

"Not enough to come and visit." 

"Look..." He sighed. 

"It's fine, you can explain later." 

"How mad at me are you? Just so I know what to get ready for." 

"I'm not mad." He raised an eyebrow as he looked down at me. "Ok, I'm a little mad, but I'm so excited to see you." He grinned at that, pulling me into another hug. 

"Wait, is this a pilot's uniform?" 

"Yup! You're looking at the newest member of the Black Squadron." I answered, giving a twirl to show off my jumpsuit.  

"Wow, a lot's changed since I last saw you, huh?" 

"Yeah, but you're still wearing the same jacket, I see."

"No, this is a new jacket! Your Mom said the same thing, you two are getting more and more alike." 

Before I could respond a furry paw tapped my head and I turned around. 

"Uncle Chewie!" 

As I was so small and fragile compared to the Wookie so he very gently hugged me and softly growled. 

"I've missed you too." I beamed at the two of them. The whole family was reunited, together again. Well, almost the whole family...

I shook my head as if to clear away any of the bitter thoughts I had. 

"So..." I changed the subject. "How awkward was it between you and Mom?" 

"I've barely said a word to her yet, oh look here she is, do you mind?" 

"Not at all, you guys go catch up, I'll see you in a bit." I gave him and Chewie one last quick hug and jogged off to find Poe. 

Only seconds later, a familiar white and orange droid zoomed towards me and crashed into my leg beeping noisily. 

"BB-8!" I crouched down and gently scratched the droid's 'head'. 

"Hey, buddy. We've all missed you so much!" A thought suddenly crossed my mind. "Hang on, how did you get off Jakku all on your own?" 

Before BB-8 could tell me, the droid rolled off again as it caught sight of my boyfriend. I laughed and chased after it until I reached where the two were greeting each other. 

"Oh, it's so good to see you!" I heard Poe exclaim in relief. 

"Hang on, Finn saved you?" I interrupted their conversation. "Poe, do you think?"

"No, it can't be, can it?" 

"Poe? y/n!" 

We both got up from where we were crouched down and looked up to see the familiar face of Finn. Poe was first to reach him, hugging him and catching up excitedly. 

"What happened to you two?" He asked as I caught up to the pair. 

"What happened? We woke up at night. The ship was on fire and you were nowhere to be seen."

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