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To not look suspicious, the mysterious stormtrooper put me in handcuffs and led the way to what I was hoping would be Poe's cell. I was still very confused as to why he was helping us but didn't question him any further as I was desperate for a way out.

"Ok, we're nearly there." He whispered to me through his helmet. "I think.." He added quietly.

"You think?!" I whispered back. "Do you actually know where we're going?"

"Yes! Now if you'd stop doubting my capabilities..." We turned one last corner. "We're here."

I sighed in relief as the trooper activated the door to slide open. Poe was alive, and that was all that mattered.

"y/n?!" Poe grinned as his retraints were taken away. I noticed him wince slightly, it seemed like we had matching split lips. Blood was trickling down his face from a gash on his forehead, but from a quick inspection it didn't look to be too deep. Apart from a few other smaller cuts and bruises he seemed fine, getting to his feet quickly.

"What's going on?" He asked with a very confused expression on his face.

"We're breaking out of here!"

"What? How??" He asked as he pulled me into a hug, his head resting on my shoulder.

"I'm not really sure, but we have to hurry, c'mon!"

The stormtrooper rushed over from watching us interact and put handcuffs on Poe too, then began leading us on our way. Once we were in an empty corridor we started discussing what we were going to do.

"Can you fly a TIE fighter?" The man asked Poe.

"I can fly anything." He replied proudly, causing me to smile up at him. "Why are you doing this?"

He stopped and turned to look at us.

"Because it's the right thing to do."

Poe and I looked at each other before turning back to him.

"You need a pilot?" I guessed.

"I need a pilot." He confessed with a sigh before continuing to walk towards our destination.


We arrived in the main hangar of the enourmous ship and walked towards one of the many smaller starfighters lined up on the side.

"Okay. Stay calm. Stay calm." The stormtrooper mumbled.

"We are calm." Poe said back.

"I'm talking to myself."

"When do we go?" I whispered, hoping to leave as more and more troopers started to look our way.

"Not yet.." I was told as we hesitantly waited. "Okay, go. This way." He ushered us towards the nearest TIE Fighter."

We strapped ourselves in. It was a tight fit for the three of us, but none of us really cared, wanting to escape as soon as possible.

"I've always wanted to fly one of these things!" Poe said excitedly. "Can you shoot?" He asked the stormtrooper who was, once again, taking his helmet off.

"Blasters, I can." He told us.

"Okay, same principle." Poe reasurred him. "Use the toggle on the left to switch between missiles, cannons and mag pulse" He began to expain.

"And use the sight on the right to aim and triggers to fire." I finished off. Poe smiled proudly at me, clearly impressed. "What?" I asked. "I know my stuff!" I winked, suddenly feeling very confident.

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