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The next few weeks were spent rushing around and working. The base was getting very hectic and with every threat of The First Order growing more dangerous we became desperate for any hope that could help us defeat them. 

Ayla had quickly figured out about Poe and I, although we weren't sure how. We were still sneaking around, even though it was exhausting. Of course she promised to keep it a secret, but to be honest I wasn't sure how much longer I could last hiding how strong my feelings were for Poe. We spent lots of time together, needing each others company as the atmosphere around us only got more stressful and although we never had time to go on a proper date I always looked forward to when I would next see him. 

I spent most of my spare time teaching myself binary, BB-8 helping me quite a bit, and over time I had gotten quite good. Although I was no where near as fluent as Poe, I could have conversations with the little droid quite easily now. 

I would also spend hours into the night trying to train my mind to block out my brother and so far it was working, I hadn't seen or heard anything from him since our previous encounter. 


That evening I rushed into the cafeteria starving, I hadn't had the chance to eat all day. I sat down next to Poe at the end of the table and started eating. He finished his conversation with L'ulo L'ampar, a Duros who was also in our squadron, and turned to look at me. 

"Hey, you ok?" He smiled at me. 

"Yeah, you?" I smiled back.

"Yeah." He sighed ever so slightly, but I still noticed. 

"What's up?" I pushed my tray to the side and looked into his tired eyes.  

"What? Oh, nothing." He replied unconvincingly. 

"You sure? You can tell me." 

I quickly searched around to see if anyone was looking our way, but almost everyone had left the cafeteria, and it was just Poe and I at the table now. 

"I'm just really worried about everything going on, things are really bad now, aren't they?" 

"Yeah, they are." I answered honestly. "But it's gonna be ok, my mom is a great leader and she knows what she's doing, we've got everything we need to defeat K-Kylo Ren." I barely managed to say his name, my heart still ached from the betrayal of my brother. 

"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry." 

"Hey, don't apologise." I reached over and grabbed his hands in mine. "It's ok to be stressed and worried!" 


"You're welcome." I got up and cleared our trays away before walking back over to where we were sat. "C'mon, lets try and take your mind off things for a bit, yeah?" I held my hand out for him to take. 

"I've got so much to do y/n-" 

"I'm sure it can wait, you've been working flat out for weeks, you need a break." 

He smiled as he took my hand and got up, letting me pull him outside. 

"Where are we going?!" He asked while laughing. 

"Where we always go!" I giggled. 

We ended up at our favourite spot on the roof, lying on our backs and watching the stars. 

"God the floor is uncomfy!" I joked as I sat up from the hard and cool surface. 

Poe pulled me back down causing me to squeal in surprise. He wrapped his arm around me as my head rested on his chest. 

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