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A/N: Hi! Before you read this chapter I just wanted to put a TW for s*xual harassment just in case <3

"Hey Pilot!" Ayla greeted me at dinner.

"How do you know about that?"

"Oh I helped him come up with the idea."

I thought back to earlier when Ayla left my room, and the knowing wink she gave Poe and suddenly it all made sense.

"I still can't believe I'm part of The Black Squadron!"

"Well I can't believe I get to fly with my best friend, missions are gonna be so much fun now!"

I smiled broadly at her before going back to eating the mush on my plate the cafeteria called "food".

I wrinkled my nose at it before asking her if she knew where Poe was.

"I'm not sure actually, I would've thought he'd be here by now." she answered.

"Earlier when I left the hangar he stayed behind, but that was ages ago."

"Maybe I should go find him." She said reluctantly.

"No it's ok I'll go, you only just sat down. I'll see you later."

Leaving the cafeteria I turned towards the hangar, planning to start there on my mission to find Poe. But before I could get there someone harshly pulled me to the side of the path.


"C'mon I barely touched you." I heard the person say.

I looked up to notice that it was Hayden.

"What do you want now?"


"Excuse me?"

"Well, you're not taken right? And Poe's out of the question now that he's with Ayla.."

"You don't know that for sure-"

I was interrupted by him attempting to kiss me, however, before he could I slapped him across the face. Hard.

While he was still in shock I pushed him off me and tried to run away. Before I could get too far he grabbed my wrist and yanked me back.

I turned to look at his face, slightly reddened where I had hit him. He glared at me and he raised his hand as if he was going to hit me back but before he could do anything I punched him. I heard the sound of his nose breaking and watched the blood pour from it. We both stared at each other before I heard someone call.


"Ayla, oh my god am I glad to see you." I sighed with relief.

She ran up and grabbed me away from him, hurrying me off to my room.

"What happened?" she asked me and she led me away, her arms around my shoulders.

"I was looking for Poe, but then Hayden pulled me off to the side and tried to kiss me, so I hit him."

"Wait... he tried to kiss you? Why the hell would he do that? I thought you two hated each other."

"I know, it's weird."

"But you're ok, right?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. My hand just hurts a bit. Turns out punching someone is really painful." I laughed.

"It was lucky I came when I did, who knows what else he would've done?"

"Yeah, I thought you were staying in the cafeteria though."

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