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That night I told Ayla about what had happened, and explained to her all about seeing my brother. As she left my room she pulled me into a big hug and promised to not tell anyone about my encounter, I didn't need any more rumours spread about me.

I sighed as I gently shut the door and leant up against it, the cold metal cooling my skin. My eyes shut and I focussed on my heartbeat and my breathing, trying to keep as calm as possible.

Eventually I pushed myself up off the wall and walked over to the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water, the icy liquid running down my face and wetting the hair that had escaped my ponytail.

I grabbed a book from my desk and tucked myself into bed. I turned it's delicate pages as I absorbed all the knowledge I could on The Force. Like my Mother had said, I needed to learn all I could to keep my brother as far away as possible.

After a while I felt my eyes start to shut as I drifted off into what I hoped would be a peaceful nights sleep. However that hope didn't last long.

I spent the first hour or so tossing and turning, either being too hot or too cold. And then the nightmares started.

My mind kept on replaying my day over and over and wouldn't stop. All I could hear was Hayden's yelling, my brother's saber igniting and my screams of terror.

And a loud knock on my door...

My eyes snapped open and I sat up in my bed, sweat trickling down my forehead. Confused I walked over to the front door, only to realise it was coming from the other one.

I opened it slowly and Poe barged in.

"y/n! Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

"What? Yeah I'm fine, why?"

"You were screaming your head off just a minute ago and you're expecting me to believe that you're fine?" He questioned.

"I was screaming? I-i thought that was just in my head..." I replied quietly.

I suddenly felt the strong overwhelming urge to cry and before I knew it Poe had pulled me into an embrace, stroking my knotted hair and whispering to me that everything was ok.

"Was I really screaming that loud that I woke you up?" I asked as I pulled away and looked up at him.

Poe nodded before moving me over to my bed to sit down.

"Crap Poe, I'm sorry, I must be a terrible neighbour. You go back to bed, I'll be fine."

"Not until you tell me why you were screaming."

"It was another nightmare."

"Like before?"

"It was about my brother again, but it was about what happened today. It's like my mind is constantly replaying it to me."

"I'm so sorry y/n, you shouldn't have to go through all this."

"It's not your fault." I sighed as I leant my head on his shoulder, feeling more sleepy than ever.

"Ok, I know what we're gonna do." Poe suddenly announced.


"We're gonna watch a movie, try and take your mind off of everything." He said smiling.

"Oh, it's ok. You probably would rather go to bed. I'll be fine."

"Don't be ridiculous, of course I'd rather spend time with you."

I beamed at him as he went and found a movie to watch.

We spent the rest of the night squeezed into my small single bed laughing and watching movies until I ended up falling asleep, leant against him.


The next morning I woke up next to Poe, who was still fast asleep.

"Morning sleepyhead." I said, referencing what he had said to me once before.

"Hey." he replied in his slightly croaky morning voice. "How'd you sleep?"

"Really good actually." I said as I got up and stretched, Poe doing the same.

The loud beeps of a certain orange and white droid interrupted us, causing Poe and I to rush into his room.

Poe unplugged BB-8 from his charging station next to his bed. As soon as he did his droid made some disgruntled sounds.

"Sorry buddy, I was in y/n's room." Poe told him.

"Yeah, I know!" He replied to BB's annoyed beeps.

I made myself a mental note to start learning binary so I could understand what that little droid was probably saying about me.

I cleared my throat to get the their attention before saying "I should go and get ready, thank you Poe."

I turned and walked back into my room, shutting the door behind me and smiling to myself.


Later that day I was in the cafeteria lining up to get my food after my morning working at Headquarters.

I had just gotten my tray of food and was about to walk over to our table when I saw Poe and Ayla huddled together, laughing and chatting.

"I bet they're a thing" I heard someone say bluntly as they stood next to me.

"What?" I said, turning to discover Hayden.

"Look at them, laughing and whispering to each other. Don't you think they would be a good couple?"

"I guess... yeah." I answered. I couldn't help but feel a surge of disappointment.

Not that I was interested in Poe... was I?

I mean yeah he was cute and we had so much in common, but we were just friends, and he clearly didn't want anything more and neither did I.

"Weren't you just saying yesterday that you were convinced Poe and I were together?"

"Well that was before I saw them."

I took one last look at them before going in the other direction and sitting at an empty table in the back, not wanting to interrupt whatever they were doing. 

"Why are you following me Hayden?" I asked as he came and sat down across from me. 

"Look, I just wanted to apologise for yesterday, I was out of line." 

"Why the sudden change of attitude?" I asked curiously. 

"I guess I just realised that being a jerk wasn't the best way to get people to like you." 

"No kidding." I replied, my comment riddled with sarcasm. 

"So... friends?" 

"I'll think about it." 

"Ok, I'll leave you be." He said as he got up and left, leaving me alone to try and process everything. 




I'm getting much better at uploading more regularly, yay! 

What do you think about what's happened? Should we trust Hayden? 

Next chapter coming really soon I promise! 

M x 

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