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"Shh BB-8! Don't wake her up!" I heard Poe whisper as my eyes slowly fluttered open. 

"Too late, I'm awake" I laughed as I sat up in bed groaning slightly at the painful headache that had formed. 

I looked around and realised I was in my room, but I didn't remember how I got there. The last thing I remembered was the forest and... 



"No, no, no.." I panicked. "I have to go and tell Mom." I said as I got out of bed, immediately feeling dizzy and having to sit down again. 

"Tell her what?"

"My brother. He was here, Poe."

"Your brother?"

"Kylo Ren" 

"Oh, right of course. H-he was here?" Poe gulped. 

"Maybe? I don't know. It was a force connection I think, he said I reached out to him."

"How do you know how to do that?" 

"I don't. That's just it. I was thinking about him and then there he was in front of me." I told him, already starting to feel the panic rise again. 

"What were you doing out there anyways?" 

"I just needed to get away for a bit, work was really stressing me out and I thought going on a walk would help. Clearly not." I forced a nervous laugh. "How did you find me?" 

"I heard  screaming and ran and found you unconscious, lying on the floor. You really scared me y/n." 

"Believe me, I scared myself too." 

I looked up and my eyes met his, full of worry and sympathy for me. 

We held eye contact for what seemed like hours before I awkwardly looked away.

"Ok, I need to get out of this room." I announced as I stood up. I wobbled slightly and Poe held my arm to steady me. 

"You sure you're ok doing that?" 

"Yeah I'll be ok, I only fainted, no big deal." I replied half serious, half sarcastic.

"If you say so." he laughed and followed me out of the room. 

We walked slowly down the corridor as I still tried to regain my strength, our hands brushing next to each others slightly as we talked about Poe's day. I was desperate to clear my head of the trauma of that afternoon and was glad to be able to take my mind off it for a moment. 

BB-8 rushed ahead of us, chirping away. 

"y/n! What happened? Are you ok?" I heard someone call as we walked out into the early evening sun. 

"Hey Ayla, I'm ok."

"Good, I'm glad. Poe said that you passed out in the middle of the forest?" 

"Uh, yeah I did, which is very embarrassing so thank you Poe for that." I shot him a playful glare. 

"No don't blame him, I'm the one who asked." she told me. "What happened? You seemed fine this morning."

I looked around at the busy rush of people before turning back to her. 

"I'll tell you later." 

"Ok sounds good, I'll see you at your room then, bye!" 

She turned on her feet and rushed off, presumably towards the cafeteria where most people were heading. 

"Do you wanna get something to eat?" Poe asked me, my attention suddenly going back to him. 

"I'm not really hungry, you go though. I just need some air."

"You have to eat y/n." 

"I'll grab something later, thank you for all your help, you're the best."

"I know, see ya!" 

After watching him leave I sighed and headed off towards the headquarters to see my Mom. Even though I was mad at her I had to tell her about what had happened. 

I had almost reached the entrance when I heard the grossly annoying voice I'd sadly heard so much of today. 

"Heard you fainted earlier." 

"Uh.. yeah I did. Look, I'm not trying to be rude but what do you want Hayden?"

 "I just wanted to see if you were ok, jeez no need to bite my head off."

"Sorry, I'm just really busy right now and I'm not thinking straight, but thank you, I guess."

"Pathetic." he muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" I asked harshly, anger already starting to to rise. 

"I said that you were pathetic." 

"Ok, what the hell is your problem with me? Ever since you and I met you've done nothing but make my life difficult." I shouted, not even trying to hold back my rage. 

"Oh please, you're just as bad as I am. Shoving yours and Poe's little relationship down everybody's throats. It's disgusting." 

"How many times do I have to tell you? We aren't dating! Get that through your thick head." I yelled as I shoved past him and stomped towards my Mother's office. 

I took in a deep breath to try and calm myself down before knocking on the door. 

"Come in!" I heard my Mom call. "Oh, hi sweetheart. How are you? Poe told me what happened." 

"Of course he did. I'm fine, thanks." I replied, smiling slightly t the thought of Poe. 

Awkward silence filled the room until I cleared my throat.

"Actually, I need to tell you something.." I sighed. "Before I passed out, I saw my brother. I somehow reached out to him through the force I think, it was like he was here on D'Qar."

"That sounds like a force connection" my Mother replied nervously. 

"I think it was. I saw him Mom, I saw Ben." 

"Ben's gone y/n.." 

"No, not yet. I could see the torment in his eyes, he hasn't fully turned. He needs us!" 

"There's nothing we can do, you know that." 

"I don't believe you, there has to be something. Don't you want him back?" 

"Don't you dare even think for a second that's not what I want. If there was anything I could do I would already be doing it, it's too late." 

I simply glared at her. She was giving up and she'd clearly lost all hope. 

"But you two spoke?" 

"Yeah Mom, we did." 

"So he knows you're alive.. Does he know where you are?" 

I thought back to what he had told me. 

"I will find you..."

"No, he doesn't. He said he was going to find me though... Do you think he will?" 

"Honestly? I don't know. You need to learn and practise controlling your powers and shutting him out. And don't do whatever it is you did last time that caused the force connection. Now, go and rest." 




This chapter is kinda bad too I'm sorry. 

I added a tonne of dialogue to this so it was probably super boring sorry! 

New chapter coming ASAP! 

M x 

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