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We landed surprisingly gently, closely avoiding what could've been our second crash landing.

I didn't recognise the planet as we got out, my boots crushing the soft grass underneath my feet. It felt thick and muggy but the misty air was a refreshing change to the dusty atmosphere of Jakku.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and inhaled the sweet scent of flowers growing nearby.

"Where are we?"

"Yavin-4, it's a small moon near the Outer Rim." Poe looked around, a content look on his tanned face.

"How do you know?"

"I grew up here."

"It's so beautiful." I gazed around in awe.

Massassi trees surrounded the small clearing in the tropical forest we were surrounded by, their deep purple bark contrasting with the luscious green leaves that hung from the canopy above. I'd heard about the battle that had happened here from my mother when she was around my age but I had no idea this was where Poe had once lived.

"I'm pretty sure my house was this way." Poe gestured towards a tiny path in between two trees that I never would've noticed if he hadn't pointed it out. "There's a small village and I'm sure we can find some more fuel there."

We carefully made our way through the jungle. Tall plants and shrubs reached out and grabbed my ankles as I struggled my way through and followed Poe's lead. Although it was daylight, the sun barely peeked through and a dark and shadowy light was cast over us as we walked on. 

Sometime later we found ourselves at the edge of a small village and, judging by Poe's face, we had reached the right place. His eyes immediately lit up as we emerged from the clearing. 

A few houses were set around a pond of sorts that led into another forest on the opposite side of where we were stood. Without hesitation, Poe grabbed my hand excitedly and lead me towards one of the small homes. It was as if all his stress and worry had melted away as soon as we landed there. 

It was only when we were stood on the doorstep was it that he told me why we were here. 

"This was my home growing up." He beamed as he tilted his head up to see more of the rustic building. 

Before I could open my mouth to reply the door swung open and a man stood in the doorway. He looked to be in his fifties and had the same tanned skin as Poe. As I watched him embrace my boyfriend I realised more and more similarities between the two. Their eyes both had the same golden flecks and their smiles were identical. In fact, the only differences were that one of the men had greying hair and age lines. 

"Forgive me, I didn't even see you there. I'm very excited to see my son again after all these years, you see. My name's Kes Dameron." 

He held out his hand for me to shake and I took it. 

"I'm y/n." I smiled up at him. 

"You're y/n?! Oh, I've heard so much about you, please come inside!" 

I smirked at Poe when I saw his cheeks flush with slight embarrassment as we followed Kes inside. 

"You've been telling your Dad about me?" 

"Shut up!" He laughed. 

"Look at you two, what happened?" His father gestured to us as we made our way into the living room of his small house, and I swiftly became very aware of how awful I must've looked. 

Great first impression. I thought to myself. 

I caught myself in a mirror hanging up and had to stop myself from gasping. My hair was a tangled mess and dirt and blood was spotted all over my grimy face. 

"Never mind that for now, you two feel free to go and get cleaned up. Poe knows the way." 

I said a quick "thanks" but speedily walked after Poe, desperate to have a shower or at least brush my hair. I followed him into a small bedroom very similar to the ones on The Base, except this one was much tidier. 

"There's a shower in there." Poe gestured towards a wooden door opposite the bed that took up most of the room. "You get yourself cleaned up and I'll find you some clothes." 


A couple of hours later and Poe and I were sitting downstairs with Kes with warm mugs of caf in our hands after sharing a meal together. We had both showered and changed but, being the only girl in the house, I had to wear one of Poe's old shirts over my ripped and worn leggings. It hung loosely over my frame but hey, at least it was comfy. 

I smiled and laughed, hearing stories about Poe's childhood growing up on Yavin-4 and learning more about his amazing mother, Shara Bey, and her life before she passed away. However, the topic of conversation I was dreading came up soon enough... 

"So, y/n, Poe's told me a bit about you through our brief holograms, but please, tell me about yourself." He asked calmly and softly as he smiled at me. 

"Well.." I cleared my throat. "What do you want to know?" 


"Everything?" I asked nervously. 

"What you do, Where you grew up, your hobbies, the whole lot!" 

"Oh um, well, I grew up with my Mom, Dad and Brother until we had to move to The Resistance Base. My Father, Han Solo as I'm guessing you know, hasn't been around for a while but until recently I was living with my Mother, Leia." 

"Ah, I remember Leia from when we were young. I bet she's still as headstrong and brave as she was the day I met her." 

"She's the bravest person I know." I grinned fondly. I missed her so much, even though we weren't on the best of terms recently. 

"And I assume you and Poe have now moved in together, and that's why you left Leia?" 

Both of us almost spat out our drinks and turned bright red at this comment. 

"No, we're still in our early days, Dad!" Poe reassured him before shooting me an apologetic look. 

"Forgive me!"

"It's alright, I've just moved out into my own place, for now, but it's right next door to Poe, it's great actually." I got lost in my thoughts for a moment or two, wanting more than anything for things to be back to normal, waking up in my own, comfy bed and seeing BB-8 and Poe first thing in the morning. 

"Anyways..." I snapped back into focus after losing concentration. "I've recently joined The Black Squadron, thanks to your son, and well, this was my first mission." 

"I see it went well." Kes joked, causing Poe and me to chuckle. 


We talked for hours, and it was great getting to know Poe's dad. Once we realised the time we all rushed to bed as Poe and I had to get back to D'Qar the next morning. 

I was on the couch, Poe and his Dad in their rooms upstairs. Although I was meant to be sleeping I just couldn't. Maybe it was the many cups of caf keeping me awake or the built-up adrenaline over the last few days. 

Sighing, I got up and made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed myself a glass and filled it with water and sat at the table in the middle of the room. A small light overhead dimly illuminated the room as I sat there in silence. 

"What are you doing up?" I almost jumped out of my skin as the voice caught me off guard. I looked up and saw Poe sit down opposite me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." 

"It's ok, why are you awake?" 

"I asked you first." 

"Well... I asked you second!" 

He raised his eyebrows and chuckled slightly at that. 

"I couldn't sleep, my brain kept on replaying everything that's happened." 

"Same here, I didn't wanna be alone right now." 

I smiled at him and reached over to hold his hand. 

star ▪︎ poe dameronOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz