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I opened my eyes.

Cold sweat clung to my body as I tried to fully wake up. Just another nightmare.

My nightmares are always just the recurring dream of my brother leaving, me never seeing him again, my parents still together...

It's been 10 years since then and I still remember it like it was yesturday. My mum and dad split up over the stress of my brother now being the leader of The First Order but they were arguing for years before. I haven't seen my dad in ages...

My mother, General Organa, is the leader of The Resistance, but I really don't want anybody to know. I've had enough of people over the years faking being my friend just so that they can meet my parents. That's why I never really want to leave our house here at the base. I just emerge myself in the many books my mother finds for me, sometimes if I'm really bored I go out to one of my hiding spots I've found around the camp to get some fresh air. I've gotten a routine so that I barely bump into anyone, I'm sure nobody really even knows my name.

Of course I have work like everyone else here, but nothing too important that I can get noticed for. I do a bit of everything really: cooking, cleaning, sometimes I work in the hospital as a nurse but I make sure that I never introduce myself. Besides, most of my patients are unconscious.

My dream is to be an X-Wing pilot but that'll never happen, not whilst my brother rules the galaxy. It's way too risky, he's bound to find me if I'm one of the people trying to take him down!

I looked over to check the time.

4:36 am

Ugh I'm never getting back to sleep now  I thought, but I didn't want to wake my mum up.

I decided to go and have a shower to try and make myself feel remotely normal again. I got up and slowly tip-toed towards the bathroom.

- time skip -

As I crept back into my room I checked the time again

5:19 am

Crap! I didn't mean to spend that long in the bathroom. 

I jumped slightly as my mum knocked at my door.

"Come in" I said timidly, slightly scared that I had woken her up before her busy day.

"Are you ok sweetheart? I heard you get up and shower."

"Yeah I'm ok now, I had another nightmare, it seemed so real this time and I just needed to clear my head. Sorry I woke you"

"It's ok!" she said as she came over and gave me a big hug.

"Thanks mum, I love you" I said as I rested my head on her shoulder.

"I love you too, I worry about you though. You spend so much time on your own, it's not healthy. You need to go and make friends! Maybe you'll meet someone special aswell..." she said with a small grin.

"No mum! Look, I don't need friends, I'm fine in my own." I snap back, sitting up to face my mum. "Besides, people only want to know me when they find out you're my mother..."

"Fine, but you're so lonely here. You're 24 and you've not even been in a relationship! And I feel terrible leaving you at home all day, every day."


"Which is why I have a job for you today!" she interrupted. "You, are going to check over an X-Wing! Of course it's too risky for you to fly one just yet but I figured this is the next best thing, besides you know more about Starfighters than anyone else!"

"Really mum?! Oh my god that's amazing thank you!!" I said as I engulfed her in a massive hug. "Wait no I cant, what if people start to ask who I am, what if I mess up?"

"You'll be fine! Do you really think I'd offer you this if I didn't think you were cut out for it?" my mother reassured me with a chuckle. "Be at the hanger by 10 am, it should only take a couple of hours. The commander will meet you there"

And with that she got up and left, closing the door softly behind her.

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