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I woke up in Poe's arms in the clothes I was wearing the night before, we had fallen asleep after talking late into the night about our upcoming mission. I turned over to look at the alarm clock on his table: 

 4:34 am 

We'd be leaving in a few hours. I carefully got out of bed and crept over to the door connected to my room. 

Once there I packed a small bag of essentials for the trip and got changed into some black cargo pants and a white shirt. I pulled on my boots and slipped back into his room.  I crouched down and unplugged BB-8 and he let out a soft sound. 

"Hey buddy." I whispered. "No, he's not up yet." I answered his beeps as I looked up and observed my sleeping boyfriend. 

I was still getting used to the fact that Poe was actually my boyfriend, constantly replaying the moment it happened over and over in my head. 

With a smile on my face I got up and switched on the light, illuminating the entire room. He groaned and rolled over. 

"Morning!" I said cheerfully, laughing slightly at how tired he looked. 

"It's too early!" He complained. 

"C'mon, get up!" I pulled the sheet off of him as he sat up. 

"I'm gonna go and make sure we're all good to go, I'll see you out there in a bit, don't be late!" I gave him a quick kiss and then left his room with my bag hanging off my shoulder. 

I walked up to the hanger and checked over our X-Wing, making sure it was ready. It was modified to have 2 seats so that we could fly together. I chucked my bag inside and wandered outside again.

The sun had just started to rise, a soft orange glow faintly illuminating the base. 

I felt somebodies arms wrap around me and I turned to see Poe. 


"Hi" He yawned. 

"Wow, you really aren't a morning person."  

"How could you tell?" Poe replied sarcastically, causing us both to laugh. 

"We should be ready to go soon, my Mom's coming down to give us a final briefing and then we're good!" 

"You're way too excited for this." He joked. 

"Of course I am, I'm about to go on my first mission!" 

"Hey! y/n!" I turned to see Ayla sprinting towards me. "I was scared I was gonna miss you before you left!" She pulled me into a hug. 

Poe cleared his throat. "Uh, I'm here too you know." 

"Yeah, yeah. You go on missions all the time, this is y/n's first! What's it about anyways?" She finally let me go. 

"I can't say anything I'm sorry, but hopefully if it all goes well you'll know really soon!" 

"Ok, I've got to go, but good luck you two, I'll see you when you get back!"


"Bye Ayla." Poe chuckled 

I was buzzing with enthusiasm, a huge grin on my face as I looked to see my Mom walking up to us. 

"Good morning you two." She greeted us. "Ready for the mission?" 


"Ok, good." She chuckled. "Both of you know what you're doing?" 

"I think so General." Poe told her. 

"Now, I want you both back in one piece, ok? Please be careful." 

"We will Mom, I promise." 

"I'll see you you soon. May The Force be with you." 

"And you." 

BB-8 arrived and informed us that it was time for us to go. Poe loaded him up in the X-Wing then we both climbed up into the cockpit and pulled on our helmets.

"You ready?" He asked me. 

"Yeah, you?" 

"Yeah, I am." 

He switched on the comms unit as I sat back and watched. Since it was my first mission Poe was flying so that I could learn how they went without the added pressure of flying. 

"Permission to take off?" Poe asked. 

"Permission granted, good luck you two." I heard a muffled voice reply in my helmet. 


The stars rushed by as we travled through hyperspace. Blue light lit up my face as I gazed in awe. Poe looked over and grinned at me. We sat in silence, but it wasn't awkward - it was peaceful. 

For the first time in in hours I was finally able to really think about the mission. Although I knew it was stupid I couldn't help but feel that something bad would happen, but I was just being paranoid. 

I let out a shaky breath. 

"You ok?" Poe asked me. 

"Just a bit nervous." I replied honestly. 

"Don't worry, it's gonna be fine." He reached over and gently squeezed my hand. 


We eventualy landed on Jakku. The air was dry and the desert surprisingly cold as the sun had set long ago. We had landed in a small village and searched for where Lor San Tekka was awaiting us. Eventually we found him in a small hut, the doorway hidden by long, wooden slats. 

BB-8 and I waited outside as Poe retrieved the map just in case there were any signs of trouble. I yawned as I leant against the building, the effects of my long day catching up on me, and shut my eyes momentarily. 

A loud chirp caused me to snap them back open again. 

"The Order? Here?! You've got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed. I looked up and sure enough four huge ships were just above us in the sky. 

I ran inside without knocking and the two men looked up at me. 

"Poe, we got company!" 



This is lowkey really bad but I wrote it at like 2am lmao

buuut we're official into TFA, yay!!

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